GTAV A NewGTAgame!

Heavy Rain in Liberty City GTA IV Machinima

Heavy Rain in Liberty City.
(Grand Theft Auto IV Machinima).

You will simply love this if you are a GTA nutter like me. You will see new cars and interiors, even Niko's apartment, the one he got from Dwayne, (Playboy X's place), has been redecorated. Niko has been busy.

If fact, everywhere has a new look! There are even new interactive controls. Well, I guess you will just have to watch and enjoy. I have all three videos here for you in one place, but there were not together on the YouTube channel.

For more great videos you need to checkout the directors channel, Yeardly Diamond. 

Episode 1.

Episode 2.

Episode 3.

Have a great day!

 TAGS: Heavy Rain in Liberty City,Grand Theft Auto IV Machinima,Heavy Rain,Liberty City,Grand Theft Auto, GTA IV, Machinima,GTA Stories,Grand Theft Auto 4, GTA4, Machinima Movies,

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Article © AndyGold 2011, all other material used like but not limited to images and video, is copyright to either its creator or originator or is used under a creative commons / public domain license.


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Heavy Rain PS3 Game

Heavy Rain is a psychological thriller game by Quantic Dream exclusively for the PS3. The game is written and directed by Quantic Dream's founder David Cage. Heavy Rain is a dramatic thriller modeled after film noir, featuring four protagonists involved with the mystery of a serial killer named the Origami Killer.

The serial killer uses extended periods of rainfall to drown his victims. Hence the title Heavy Rain!

Weasel News.
I would like to see a serial killer in GTA. We hear a lot in the GTA game news and radio about a serial killer, but I cannot work out, if they are talking about Niko or someone-else!
Anyway, Heavy Rain looks like a great game.

Else-where on this blog is a Machinima Movie based on the Heavy Rain story line, so I though I would make this post, just to give you the heads-up and let you know what the Heavy Rain game and story line is about!
The Heavy Rain In Liberty City Machinima Movie. - Click Here!

I did not want to leave you wondering WTF? But it would be great to be able to play that mission and have control of Niko, Luis, Johnny and the police, all in the same game!  That would be similar to the four protagonists you control in Heavy Rain.

My Perfect GTA Style of Game.
What I am hinting at, as always, are that the things I talk of in my perfect GTA style of game, are possible, because it is happening in other games. I had talked about having control of several characters before, but I think I likened it to Hitman or some other similar game, where you take on the role of an assassin, then a getaway driver who are all part of a team. (Or just associates on the pay-role).

For example a mission could take a linear route, so that you could jump from one character to another as you so pleased. You would gain more points and money if you could switch at the right time to help each character perform to their best ability. Other wise, you would just sit outside the bank waiting for the rest of the gang to come out with the money, in a bank robbery. (And similar types of missions). I digress.

Getting Back to Heavy Rain.
From what I have seen, I like the story line and the interactive controls, the only minuses are being that it is only for the PS3. It does not sound like they have spent enough money testing and trialing the game, since there are numerous problems with the game freezing up and locking up PS3's. I doubt this would have happened if they had developed the game across all of the consoles and PC.

For Wiki - Heavy Rain - Click Here!

Heavy Rain Trailer.

Heavy Rain - Official E3 Trailer.

Heavy rain ps3 new trailer.

Have a great day!

TAGS: Heavy Rain video game trailer PS3,Heavy Rain,PS3,Heavy Rain PS3,

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Article © AndyGold 2011, all other material used like but not limited to images and video, is copyright to either its creator or originator or is used under a creative commons / public domain license.


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Catch The Train GTA IV machinima

Catch The Train.

 (GTA IV machinima).

Have a great day!

 TAGS: Catch The Train, GTA IV machinima,Catch The Train, machinima movies, grand theft auto IV, GTA chase motorcycle, niko bellic, liberty city, grand theft auto, high speed chase, GTAIV, cinematic videogame, xbox 360,

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Article © AndyGold 2011, all other material used like but not limited to images and video, is copyright to either its creator or originator or is used under a creative commons / public domain license.


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Silent Hell GTA IV Machinima

Silent Hell.

 (Grand Theft Auto IV Machinima).

I had always wanted to play some sort of horror, based in Liberty City as it is in GTA4.

Everyone's first thoughts are towards zombies, but that has been done to death! (Pun intended).
Well, I do think zombies might be a good story line, like a resident evil survivalist type of game.

You could horde food and supplies, last man on earth / I Leg End (I Legend) style!
(Will Smith was a bit of a leg end in that, (or was it bell-end), how stupid can you be to step in that noose trap, let your only friend (a dog), get bitten and then to top it all off, have to be rescued by a girl who leads all the zombies back to you hiding place). Silly TW@!

I just wanted to punch his face in all throughout the film, (is that supposed to be tension then)?

This is way better!

If you liked that, be sure to check out Silent Hell 2. You will find it somewhere on this blog and if you follow the other links in the video suggestions after the movie! Enjoy!

Have a nice day!

 TAGS: Silent Hell, GTA Silent Hell, Machinima GTA, GTA Silent Hill, Silent Hill GTA,

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Article © AndyGold 2011, all other material used like but not limited to images and video, is copyright to either its creator or originator or is used under a creative commons / public domain license.


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Save Game GTA

Auto-save is OK, but I prefer to have the option of manual save. I don't like auto-save, it can effectively ruin your game. I don't like being pushed around in a game, not being able to (save), (usually sleep), whenever I choose to.


'Listen-Now' Notes.
I really hate reading long text and that is why I have 'Listen-Now' buttons on most of my blogs. If the post is really new, then the Listen-Now feature won't pick up the post, usually for about 24 hours.

Lazy Reader!
There have been various faults with different services I use occasionally. Also, my spelling sometimes causes the error. I apologize in advance. That is why I have two reading buttons on most of my blogs, in case one isn't working for some reason. If they aren't working, bookmark this site with Control+D and return another day to listen if you are a lazy reader like me.

Mafia 2.
Just completed Mafia 2. Love the game, but in comparison to GTA it still comes a 2nd best for this GTA fan. First I'll try tell you what I don't like, as that is a shorter list, I'll probably extend the list as I play it a second or third time! But for now, I'd like to say what a really excellent game Mafia 2 is! RockStar developed the GTA series, but did you know that RockStar is a subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive Software Inc? As is the 2K Czech team that developed Mafia 2, are also owned by Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. No-wonder the driving physics are so good!

GTA Protagonists Stamina and Sleep

GTA Protagonists Stamina and Sleep

Another problem that has a lack of reality in GTA is the fact that you can stay awake indefinitely. So long as you don't save, you can play for days.

About Time!
Time in the GTA world, if you didn't already realize it, is one hour in game time last only one minute in our real world time. Therefore 24 minutes for the player is actually 24 hours for out protagonist in the game.

The Negotiation Meter

The Negotiation Meter.

Scenarios in which the negotiation meter can be used.
  • Wage negotiation in jobs when you work for other people.
  • Wage negotiation in jobs when you are paying other people to work for you.
  • Rental negotiation to agree on what rent to pay for residences or businesses.
  • Lease negotiation when asking for rent for a property.
  • Renting ad space on billboards around the city.

GTA Scarface The World is Yours Niko

GTA The World is Yours Niko.

First things first, I know we are talking about GTA, but listen, if you have not played Scarface - The World is Yours, or seen the original film, then you are seriously missing out. Even 4 years after its release, the game (released in 2006), is still very playable and holds a lot of enjoyment.

The Scarface Trailer from 2006.

GTA Car Trunk or Van Armory

GTA Car Trunk or Van Armory.

We Want Realism!
Where 'does' Niko put that rocket launcher?
You get guns from the boot of your car if loaded at your safe house, home or ware-house.

Some of the obvious things that stand out to me is that, in this fantastic game of GTA, the developers have gone into amazing detail with the vehicle handling physics, AI and scenery, yet still have you pulling a rocket launcher out of you back pocket. It actually looks like Niko pulls it out of his fly-zipper, big man, hey!

Resources Ideas for New GTA game

Resources Used for Main Ideas for NewGTAgame.

The main ideas for this game are taken from all the past GTA's and some of the other prominent games the author has played. A big fan of the original Driver, Driver3, Driver Parallel Lines, Stuntman and Stuntman2, Hitman series, Saints Row (crap) and Saints Row2 (twice the crap), The Godfather 1 & 2, Sopranos - Road to Respect, Reservoir Dogs, Bully - (Canis Canem Edit), Scarface - The World is Yours, Mafia and now Mafia2. Red Dead Redemption (GTH - Grand Theft Horseo).

GTA Vehicles that Do Not Disappear

GTA Vehicles that Do Not Disappear.

Vehicles don't stay where you put them, its not just down to them being stolen, they just vanish! We want vehicles that don't disappear! The best games for keeping your vehicles was San Andreas and GTA3 (Liberty City) before that and Liberty City Stories after SA, because you could put vehicles in garages. Whats the point of pimping out a vehicle or just getting one you like, to have it disappear when you leave it?



The Brief.
The gas stations element, should be on a toggle on or off in the menu, because it could frustrate many of us. But it is a great idea to add realism, which is what we are talking about. If it is put on a toggle on / off, it would be great if you could only achieve 100% if the gas stations were on from the start and never turned off. re- difficulty level.

The gas station visit could work like this. You drive onto the fore-court of the gas station and beep your horn. Then a cut scene plays of you exiting the vehicle to fill it with gas or a fore-court attendant could come up and do it. I don't think there would be much point in having to do it yourself, it would be a pointless waste of program space on the CD, especially where a cut-scene will suffice.

newGTA game Cribs

GTA homes through the game.

Rent and Buy!
You can rent and later buy properties, only depending on cash-flow. Then even rent out places you are not using, but you loose the right to save-game if it is rented out. You have to have a business bank account to have the funds deposited without you having to collect in person. If you have no business bank account, then you have to call to collect money weekly on a Friday. If you miss Friday rent collection (before 8pm), via a cut scene, they tell you that a fellow called and collected the cash, showed proof of your ID and took the rent. (You've lost it)!

This is a harp back to one of the early missions, of things that happened to you when you first landed and got rolled for your wallet and passport. That's why you have had some difficulty and had to do some of the things you've done.

GTA Side Missions Dance Offs

GTA Side Missions - Dance-Offs. (as Per NB (Niko Bellic), in GTA IV).

The title of this post will be changing to 'GTA Side Missions Club Dance Offs' to make room for other dance off scenarios.

The dancing and the dance-offs, we had in The Ballad of Gay Tony. I never thought it would be so much fun. I want more of them. It started really, back with CJ in San Andreas. (and then there was the Low-Rider dance offs too, but that's a separate Side Mission).

New GTA Game No Pause Game Music

In brief, If I pause a game I want silence, no BG music, just peace and quiet!
Do you agree? There should be a poll to go with this post, comment or look for the poll, or even email in. Use the post title in the subject line of your email to help me find it!

GTA Stories: The Robbery

GTA Stories: The Robbery

Episode 1.

Episode 2. (The day after the robbery).

Episode 3.

Have a nice day! (As Niko would say).

TAGS: GTA Stories, The Robbery, GTA Machinima,Machinima, gta IV, gta4, grand theft auto,

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Article © AndyGold 2011, all other material used like but not limited to images and video, is copyright to either its creator or originator or is used under a creative commons / public domain license.


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Starting in the New GTA Game

When you first start the game, cut scenes will play to show you how you have got to where you are now. At first, you will get advice from a friend who will explain how things work in the real world, since your fall from grace and power. Now you have to start again from scratch at the foot of the ladder!

GTA Side Missions -All

Please bring back the side missions of Taxi, Police, Paramedic, Fire, Pimp, Dustman, BMX, Pizza, Vehicle Export etc.

GTA is the best game in the world!

Are you like me? Do you miss the original Taxi, Police, Paramedic, Fire, Pimp, Dustman, BMX, Pizza, Vehicle Export side missions for instance? (Have I missed any)? I did like the new improved Police side missions in GTA IV - With Niko Bellic. This is exactly what I am talking about. But what of the other service missions?

About New GTA Game New Story By NB

About this Blog and the reasons behind the idea for a new story.

I Niko, (a pseudonym), have played all the past games in the GTA series. I had become overjoyed with the increasingly better vehicle physics, (the car handling), and do certainly miss particular features from my previous games when a new game is brought out.

For this reason, I hope at every new game, that RockStarGames, (the game designers and developers), will bring back or even improve upon certain past features.

New GTA Game New Story

The New Story.

A time has passed, when you have to decide whether all this violence and wrong living is going to catch up to you. Already, your wife had left you for the sake of bringing up your children without the threat of making them growing up around lawlessness and violence.

Now, you want her back and she is ready to accept you, so long as you have put all that life of crime behind you. There is a problem or two to deal with first though; your daughter is in need of a serious life saving operation that is going to cost a million dollars, not counting all the hospital bills leading up to this.

GTA Side Missions -Fork Lift Trucks

This is a series post for the 'GTA Side Missions' series.

NOTES:- When I talk about 'side missions', this is only to give you an idea of my references to the original GTA games like San Andraeus and GTA4. In my perfect GTA style game, I'd make these type of side missions integral to the game. You will get the idea as you read or listen along.

This post is about the idea for Fork Lift Trucks to be actually fully working and useableas per mission for CJ (Carl Johnson) in GTA San-Andraeus.

Now, I know that Fork Lift Trucks were never a side mission, but they were in a mission in GTA SA, (remember the raid CJ did on the army base when he stole explosives) and it is annoying that, although you can drive them, you cannot use the fork action to lift crates, cars, pallets etc. What a crying shame, it would be great fun!
