This eMail club will keep you informed of the new (and old) ideas being brought to life on the New GTA Game blog. We hope you enjoy the blog and will join in by sending us your ideas of what you would like in your perfect GTA style of game.
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What we want here, is for members to post their ideas (NEW AND OLD), for building the type of GTA game, that RPG players really want.
This is a democracy and I thought I'd try to poll the members ideas to see if the majority think the same way. So, if you have an ideas of what you would like to see in your perfect GTA game, write about it in an email and email it to me; Niko at my email address below.
eMail attach and post any pictures you think are relevant. Better still, host them at and send me the link if you know how!
If the marketers and money maker scams out there are thinking of sending spam money making offers to my email address, that's ok, you will just get marked as spam and or phishing and get your email address blocked. So please don't bother!
Only email Niko with your ideas for a new GTA game,read some of the blog topics first and use a similar title to the blog post - Like : "GTA Side Missions - Fork Lift Trucks" (Put that in the subject line!
GTA Side Missions -Fork Lift Trucks
On the blog its self, I will post the ideas, or combination of ideas and give you credit. I'm not posting links to your other blogs and websites! (Unless they are very good and you will also reciprocate! I'd like to keep the ball in my court on that one! Ce' vou plais? OK!