Some of my favorite whacky mods!
These mods are a little bit 'outside-the-box' thinking.
Its not anything I want in the game, but I really do love the ideas! Great Mods!
I am looking for more normality, like the fork-lift-truck mod. I want the fork lift to work fully, and for all the movable stuff in the game, to be able to be picked up with the fork-lift-truck and for it to be loaded onto trucks for transport or into containers and shelves within warehouses for storage.
I want all of the buildings to be accessible and have their own interiors, even to the extent that you can rent or buy property and alter the interior decor and change and move the furniture about 'The-Sims' style.
I want businesses to work and have two sides to their activities, having a legal business, yet whilst illegally acting as a front for other criminal activities that you carry on with.
I still love these mods though.
Aliens - in GTA SA -