Yo, (as LJ would say), we have some irritating technical issues.
Update - 2012 01 12. I have not got round to fixing the three main issues, except we now have an MP3 player to back-up the Listen Now button above. I will leave the old Listen Now in place for the time being, and try to re-record past posts over time.
All new posts should have the new MP3 player from now on.
The iSpeech listen now button has messed up, so I removed it. (Mostly it wasn't working anyway and they only give you a female voice in the free version. That's no good for the hard-man image, is it)?
Next, the AudioGo 'Listen Now' text to speech service, keeps going '
Sorry, this article is no longer available', and some of the ones that do play are matched up to the wrong posts! Bear with us, we are trying to sort it out. When I think I've fixed all the problems, I will remove this message.
Its usually always my fault, (just ask the wife), don't let this stop you from reading the posts or fitting together the puzzle of what post text goes with which AudioGo 'Listen Now' track. Just have fun.
Lastly, as if we needed anything else to go wrong, the SHARE / SAVE feature by Lockerz is also not doing its job. What The Funk next? So, sorry about all of that.
That's it I hope. (By The Players, For The Players)!
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If the LISTEN NOW LINK is not working or unavailable, then
to open the recordings page and
SELECT THE POST you want to listen to, from the list.
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Article © AndyGold 2011, all other material used like but not limited to images and video, is copyright to either its creator or originator or is used under a creative commons / public domain license.