GTAV A NewGTAgame!

Everything We Know About GTA 5

An awesome video from IGN. They talk about all the features we think we will have in GTAV.

Most important to me though, would be to know more about the vehicles and customization, as well as buildings and interiors, clothing and character appearance and what we can to personalize our game experience via the character. I would have also liked to know more about the money side of the game, as they talk about 'money is a tool' in the game.

Watch and enjoy.
Don't forget GTA5 is NOT due in SPRING - the Release date is 17th September 2013.

Money in the past games, has not really been fully utilized. You could not even buy a car or a pad in GTA4!

I am both excited and disappointed with the switching of characters! Whilst I do think it is a great idea to play with different characters, like when you could play as the hit-man or wheel-man, in Scarface. I don't like the idea of switching mid-mission. It is like stealing the next scene from you. Doesn't it sound a little bit like the shitty DRIVER 3 experience of 'warping' or 'mental-telepathy' and taking over someone else's body! What a load of crap that was!

GTA5-Release Date

Yo, I told you didn't I?

I've always been so very skeptical about the prior announced 'SPRING -RELEASE' date, rumor for GTA5. RockStarGames have now (Feb 1), announced the official GTA-V release date.

17th September 2013
Official Release Date of GTAV

Confirmed if you go to -
