GTAV A NewGTAgame!

GTA5 News - GTAV News

Hi, this is Niko,
I am just updating you on the GTA5 News!

You will have to do a fair bit of reading down the page I am sending you to, to get to the GTAV stuff. I'm sure you will be able to cope with it!

Anyway, I just wanted to remind you not to waste your time watching hours of "Official" GTA 5 videos on YouTube, and not to get upset when you realize that they are all fake!

Listen! There is only one place to find out about GTA5, and that is on the RockStarGames website! Just set it as your homepage, or add it to your homepages. You can make any browser open any number of pages at once, when you start-up the browser.

Those are my best tips for you! Why not go back and replay GTA San Andreas (and GTA4), then you will be well prepared to play GTA 5. I hope there will be a similar layout to GTA SA in GTA5. Although the map is supposed to be even bigger this time.

Have a great day!
TAGS: New GTA game, New GTA Game Ideas, New Game of GTA, GTAV, GTA5, GTA V, GTA 5, GTA 5 news, GTA V news, new gta game 2012, Play GTA games,

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New GTA Game Themed Ideas Zombies


I said I was not going to do this, but then I thought I'd at least post my ideas, since I was recently talking on a blog and the people I was speaking with loved the ideas and said they would certainly buy a themed GTA game.

Also, we talked of and agreed, that we can still keep the game within the realms of reality, (eg, no laser guns or jet packs), even though the 'Theme' of the game might be Zombies!

Sorry, I cannot say zimbies, zambies, zOmbies. zom bies.

I have always said I'm sick to my back teeth of zombies games. But hey, I love the George A Romero zombie flicks and I am into zombie movies like 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later, Zombie Land and all the older classics like Night of the Living Dead, et al.

This Guy Aint Bovvered

I just like Vito's yellow shirt! And the video is somewhat amusing. The police have total disregard for human life, they should have chased and arrested him. They will in my perfect GTA style of game. Shooting is the last resort.


Have a great day!

TAGS:New GTA game, New GTA Game Ideas, New Game of GTA, new gta game 2012,

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Article © AndyGold 2012, all other material used like but not limited to images and video, is copyright to either its creator or originator or is used under a creative commons / public domain license.


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New Victoria Police + Fire Brigade GTA IV

New Victoria Police + Fire Brigade GTA IV

Wow! Look at these great mods. Don't you just want to drive these? Each vehicle type might be specially required for a certain mission type, with no clues to which ones will be required to complete a certain mission. This would be a great little voyage of discovery!

You could work out which vehicle you needed with a little common sense. Like, dogs in a police-dog van as support for other officers on the job. SWAT - I did not see any SWAT vehicles, but I'm sure he can mod anything! What about FIB vehicles too? (Yes, you heard me FIB, I did not get this wrong! GTA4 is FIB not FBI (for the Feds)).
