GTAV A NewGTAgame!

Working for Roman 2

Yo, I'm here, why are you late?

Continuing the story of working for Roman, this video is about ideas for the types of deliveries and jobs that you can do whilst working for Roman.

The idea is designed to let you have access to several different cargo vehicle types, without having to steal a vehicle.

If you need a specific vehicle for a specific task, like when needing a large vehicle to bring Romans main bulk tire stock to a closer more local lock-up, so that it can be delivered over a shorter distance.

SEARCH this blog - not working! Sorry!

Hey dis is Niko.
Just a quick apology, - to say that ... The SEARCH THIS BLOG (over in the side-bar) -is not working for some unknown reason. Sorry about dat!

I'm trying to sort it out, so when this post is removed, it will be fixed. (possibly)!

Please look down the sidebar, for the list of posts on this blog.

Have a great day!

GTA Taxi-Garage Ideas

Hello den, lets go to the fun-fair. Yellow Carrrrrr!

This is just a short post about ideas for Romans Taxi-Garage. I was annoyed with RockStarGames only giving us 10 taxi fares to do in GTA4. I really love to 'play-cars' and back when we were playing San Andreas, you could do as many taxi fares as you wished.

I remember the surprise I got at (I think it was), 100 fares. The reward was a Red Taxi, (or was it nitros)? I cannot remember which order the rewards came in. I do remember having a red taxi-cab and using nitros.

Roman: The Clever Businessman

Yo, yes I'm back. I've been busy working for Roman.

Roman is a clever businessman. You wouldn't think it if you knew him like I do, as a gambling alcoholic pacifist who wouldn't normally say 'BOO' to a goose! Nope, he is not up there with the go-getter's, but he has his plans set in place and he knows all the short cuts to doing business to stay ahead of the competition in his own area of interest.

To spray or not to spray, that is the question!
Take his Taxi business for instance, he shows on his books that he has a whole new fleet of cars, but in reality, they are all bargain basement bangers or insurance write-offs, that he has had fixed up with parts from stolen cars of the same make and model! Then he re-sprays the vehicles to make them look like new, but even the paint he is using is a knock-off job.


Yo, dis is Niko...
I want to tell you that I had a terrible night last night. Someone tried to steal my ride from outside Roman's pad during the night. Its all very well, you laughing, just because I stole the ride myself in the first place; but it would just be good to know that when you leave a car parked in the street, it will still be there when you return later.

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I had to stamp on the guys hand to teach him a lesson about not stealing other peoples shit!

Have a good night's sleep!

TAGS:GTA-ideas_002_Car-Alarm-Wakes-You, Car-Alarm-Wakes-You, GTA-Car-Alarm,

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