GTAV A NewGTAgame!

GTA5 Trailer Two - Arrives Nov 14th 2012

Trailer 2
Released on 11.14.2012.

Hurricane Sandy blamed for delays in bringing us GTA5 Trailer 2. However, Trailer 2, never had a promised date, did it? We only were told about this one!

You'd think a massive professional company like RockStarGames would have contingency plans for 'power-failures', I mean, even I, a lowly blogger, blogging from home, have a backup generator, so that I can carry on working if we have no mains power!

I know the internet would probably not work on direct connections, but it would if sent via WiFi to mobile to satellite! I was flooded in 2010 (I think it was), but we still had the internet power.

Have a great day!

TAGS: New GTA game, GTA5, GTAV, GTA5-Trailer2,

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