GTAV A NewGTAgame!

New GTA Game No Pause Game Music

In brief, If I pause a game I want silence, no BG music, just peace and quiet!
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Post Title: New GTA Game No Pause Game Music.

The long version and reason for me to rant on;

Caution - they may be swearing and shouting. This is one of my biggest hates of any game! BG (Back-Ground) MUSIC!

Wow! Its incredible, incredible I tell you! Why in the heck would we want to hear music during a game-pause and not be able to turn it off? Even if it is good music!

I love the sound tracks on GTA IV, TLaTD and TBoGT. BUT.

This one beggars belief, as with the latest GTA on HORSES - You know what I'm talkin' 'bout pardner. Red Dead Redemption. Fantastic game, the odd program glitch here and there, everyone I know who's played it has had the same glitch.

Where the horses with carts or wagons, sometimes the horses drop into the ground up to their bellies and the coach or cart will go nowhere! But, that's by-the-by..

I'm going on about the BG's (not the Bee Gees)! The Back Ground Music! First we don't all have the same tastes and likes in music. But, to force it on us is just not on.

If I PAUSE the game, it is usually because I want to 'HEAR' something else, like when I'm on a phone-call, or listening to a news item on the TV or radio that was playing in the BG.

I often play whilst watching a DVD or TV program and like to pause once-in-a-while to tune-in on the program. Now, the BG music in RED DEAD (Let's call it what it is.. G.T.H. - GRAND THEFT HORSE-o-.. REDEMPTION, is quite pleasant, and I really don't mind it.

G.T.H. - Grand Theft Horse-o- has been the only game of late, that I have actually enjoyed the BG music on and had it on for most of the game! The last time I did that was in TLaTD and TBoGT. Before that DRIVER 3 and the first Driver Game!

Most of that thud, thud, thud, thud, dum phudda, dum phudda, dum phudda crap. Is total shhhh azbot! Sorry, but it must be my age or something. I don't understand it and don't want to even try.

But it is much worse when, for instance you cannot turn that crap off, like in the most excellent; Army of TWO, (and 40th day), YOU CANNOT TURN THE BG OFF! Can you?

Next, is my game world GTA IV - WTF is that whooshing sound about in game pause?
I WANT QUIET. DAMN IT! - There's that God-Father style violin twittering away in the BG during pause. I'm too lazy to pick up the TV remote, (that's what I'm really saying isn't it), but I should not have to. If I pause; I WANT SILENCE!

OK - What about The Lost and The Damned? TLaTD has great rock music, right up my street! I really love it. And guess what? When you PAUSE, you hear NOTHING! But the silence does not last long. They cannot leave it alone can they?

Well, there is a cymbal ringing gently and then there's a low hum of what could be a plane, or a well tuned motorcycle in the BG. Oh, and then there is that odd oriental pang and pan-flute that pops up. Not too bad, hardly noticeable really.

But its there. The guitars start doing an odd twang and note holding routine. Silence I say! (or I kill you). The TV usually gets killed!

Last, just to drive a point. TBoGT. In The Ballad of Gay Tony, there is that ethereal start to the theme music with a great bass line during pause.

It's great to listen to, THE FIRST TIME! But, if you have paused, you want silence! Turning the BG off doesn't stop it either! The only thing that does, is to turn the actual game-play sound off in the menu, and that's no-good. Worse than having to look for the remote because the TV has no user friendly buttons on it! NONE!

So - If I were making a game to give players WHAT THEY WANT, then as a player, when; 'I PAUSE', , , , I Want silence, no visual, no sound, no nothing!

NIKO. (I'm quiet now, let me lie down please).
I'll put a poll up to see if you agree, when I can find out how to do that here!


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