GTAV A NewGTAgame!

GTA RockStarNorth Making GTA Games

Yo, Dis is Niko.
Watch out, there are thief's about, and they are after stealing your right to play 18 rated games like GTA.

This is one of the issues pointed out in this video and the points are very clear and valid to me.

I am over 18 and I can make my own decisions as to what to watch and play.

If it is an experience I want, I should be able to get it. What has it got to do with some stuck-up self-proclaimed film and game critic who wants to censor what I can see and not see.

'I haven't killed anyone that I can remember'.

I just wish that Philip Wride, (a games consultant shown in the video), had not said, 'I haven't killed anyone that I can remember'. Yes, I know; ...but some people might try to punch holes in his statements after saying that, whereas, you and I can definitely remember who we've killed AND where we've buried the bodies. (You know I'm only joking; , , right)?


Next, in this video, you see inside DMA studios. What is dead funny, is seeing the chap in the old DMA  motion capture studios, who is boxing. Why didn't Rockstar get a real boxer to record the boxing  movements? Now we know why old Tommy Vincetti, (of Vice City), boxes like a shop window manikin!

RockStar-North Making Grand Theft Auto Games

Want to see where Grand Theft Auto was first made, (and still is)? 

Things have changed a lot at RockStarGames but you will see some great footage from inside DMA design including Craig Conner working on the original GTA theme song as well as the incredible difference between the original GTA game and Grand Theft Auto 4.

Have a great day!

TAGS: RockStarNorth, Making GTA Games,

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GTA5 New Set of Images Released

Yo! This is Niko of de Bellics, not de dogs Bellics, but de Niko Bellic.

This is a short and quick update to GTA5. 
RockStarGames have released a set new images. Checkout to see every real fact and image for GTA5. But there are bits of information from RockStarGames about GTA5, over at RockStar's Newswire service.

Here is Olli43's perspective of the new images. Enjoy.

Now, I have a couple of things to point out!
First; I don't know why everyone and his dog keeps calling that red-bi-plane a 'stunt-plane', it's not!


Can anyone not see that it is a crop-duster plane? Not only for the obvious fact that it has the crop-spraying rail below the wings, but RockStarGames even introduced us to it in their first GTA5 video release, by showing it flying by and spraying the crops, (and the farm workers picking the crops too)!

Secondly; I thought that RockStarGames said; that they were 'keeping it real'! Yet, now they tell us, (or at least show us), a fighter jet!

Everyone is speculating that we fly it in the game and that is very probably the case. However, RockStarGames have not actually said that the jet can be flown in the game. My issue here though, is with actually having the fighter jet in the game!

I know there will be more support for having the fighter-jet in the game, but I really see this as RockStarGames giving in to the likes of people who want every unrealistic feature available, like those fans of Saints Row Third!

Look, it is as simple as this! The majority of us might have heard of criminals doing all sorts of stuff, but please tell me; 'when was the last time you heard or read about a criminal going on a rampage with a fighter jet? I don't think so! Please keep it real RockStar! (Like as if they are ever going to read my blog)!

Dream on!

TAGS: GTA5 images,

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Article © AndyGold 2012, all other material used like but not limited to images and video, is copyright to either its creator or originator or is used under a creative commons / public domain license.

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People Love To Play Cars

Yo Rock Star, dis iz Niko!
Hey RockStarGames, people love to 'play-cars', give us car parks, transport cargo and passengers jobs.

GTA SA was the better game for all of its side missions.

People love to 'play-cars' is about our natural desire to play, sometimes 'imaginary-games' just like we did when we were kids. I love to collect cars and do pretend jobs etc.

Wouldn't this be great if RockStarGames would actually give us real businesses to work in, based around working for a living, earning money and later running and owning our own businesses?

Do you like to play imaginary games in GTA4 or any of the older GTA games. Please write in and tell me about your games ideas.

Have a great day!

TAGS: People Love To Play Cars,

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Article © AndyGold 2012, all other material used like but not limited to images and video, is copyright to either its creator or originator or is used under a creative commons / public domain license.

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Sleeping Dogs - Fills the GTA5 Gap!

Yo, Dis is Niko here. So, you probably know by now, we are not likely to see GTA5 this side of Christmas. Everyone could be wrong, (and I hope they are), but there has not really been enough trailers or news releases about GTA5, (going by RockStarGames past history when releasing GTA4 and San Andreas). RockStar will not release the game yet, I'm pretty sure of that.

But, we may have something that can fill the GTA5 gap. Sleeping Dogs!

Sleeping Dogs has free roaming in an urban environment with various things you can do both on foot and in a massive array of vehicles, just like, or quite similar to GTA4.

Fill the GTA5 gap with Sleeping Dogs!

Sleeping Dogs - Fills the GTA5 Gap!
In fact, Sleeping Dogs seems to have a lot more detail in martial arts fighting styles and makes more use of the environment to interact with than GTA4 does. With fighting, you can use objects to destroy your enemies with, or in chase sequences, leap over, climb up, or take cover behind objects. You need to watch the videos here to appreciate this!

You are not being disloyal to GTA, just think of it as another similar type of GTA style of game. My ideas for a GTA style of game would include of lot of Sleeping Dogs ideas. And, whilst we are on the subject of GTA itself, GTA, 'Grand Theft Auto' does not actually revolve around the process of GTA, Grand Theft Auto. Namely; the taking of cars or other motor vehicles, (with the exception that you cannot actually 'buy' a car or any other vehicle in GTA, which I always found to be a strange concept).

Sleeping Dogs Street Scene.
My ideas for a GTA style of game do actually revolve around 'taking cars without the owners consent' otherwise known as TWOC-ing or TWOK-ing as some people say. (Taking Without Owners Consent or Taking Without Owners Knowledge are two variants I've heard talked of).

The British GTA fans are going to LOVE driving on the left-hand side of the road for a change!

'Stealing cars', for a game calling itself 'GTA' should be the primary objective and main task of the game. Yet I have proved that you can actually play through the game without getting any wanted level stars for actually stealing vehicles.

A Speed-Boat Chase.
Some are basic tricks of playing, like pushing a parked cop car into your   save area for parking outside your safe-house. Break the window without getting in the car with no police around. Then go off and do something else that takes you out of the immediate area. When you return you can just get in the vehicle like you always owned it. There's a few other things like this too in GTA4, but that is not what this post is about. Lets get back to Sleeping Dogs!


Sleeping Dogs is an immersive role playing game. You play as an undercover cop, infiltrating the Triad gangs, (a Chinese mafia like type of outfit if you didn't already know). We had a similar story in an earlier GTA game where you did work for the Yakuza. (Another Japanese Mafia type gang).

WIKI - says:-
Yakuza, also known as gokudō, are members of traditional organized crime syndicates in Japan. 

WIKI - says:-
Triad, the many branches of the Chinese criminal organizations that are based in Hong Kong.

Some comments on websites are that people are upset to find out that this game was developed under the main title of True Crime! Perhaps they think this is going to be like the old game True Crime - Streets of L.A.? Its not! It is very different. Yes it has the same voice actors and development team, but if you actually ever played that game, Sleeping Dogs is as different to the old True Crime game as GTA4 is to San Andreas.

Sleeping Dogs. Full Demo Part 1, (with commentary).

In the video above, you see that our protagonists apartment is only like one or two steps above the crappy apartments that Niko had in GTA4. But, the apartments do get better as you progress through the game.

What is the same as GTA4 in Sleeping Dogs?

  • Free Roaming Open World! Go where you want, when you want, do what you want to do!
  • You can buy clothes! - But more importantly the clothes you wear impact the game missions in a similar way that you 'had to wear a suit and tie' to meet with the McReary's family or attend the Final Interview missions at the Goldberg lawyers office. I like the Sleeping Dogs take on wearing a tourists outfit, which means that everything costs you 20% more.
  • You can buy food! The food gives you health etc.  
  • Date Girls! Great as with GTA4, but rumors say that the dating element has been removed in GTA5. - That's a total game spoiler for me if true!
  • Gun-Play. Selection of fire-arms, take cover.
  • Stealing Vehicles. With a bit of a change, I heard about using a shim to jack the car locks.
  • I will add more when I start playing the game!

What is different in Sleeping Dogs to GTA4?

  • You can use the public payphones in the street! - To smash someone's face in with the receiver! (Sorry, I had to get that in, It is just so funny to me. I'm sat here laughing my tits-off as I write this)! Nope, I don't really think you can actually call someone on the public street-phones, although that would be logical and a great idea!
  • There are better fight moves and many many more of them! Combos and new moves to learn and remember, with better use of the surrounding environment.
  • The British GTA fans are going to LOVE driving on the left-hand side of the road for a change!
  • You collect things that are a logical and believable part of the story-line, (unlike the stupid shooting of pigeons that Niko did! WTF?). Valuable statues are collected and returned their martial-arts instructor owner, who teaches you new moves as a reward. This is similar to San Andreas, where you could learn new fight moves, but, you had to beat the instructor or his wing man to earn it! (Remember)?
  • Earn Money! To 'BUY' weapons and cars. We couldn't actually 'buy' cars in GTA4 or GTA SA.
  • Gambling! We had none of that quite normal everyday activity in GTA4.
  • Singing at the Karaoke Bar? Sounds great for Hong Kong! What? No dancing? 
  • I will add more when I start playing the game!

Sleeping Dogs. Full Demo Part 2, (with commentary).

For further reading and viewing, you might be interested in...
Triads, Yardies and Onion Bhajees:- the WIKI - says

Triads, Yardies and Onion Bhajees is a 2003 British film by film director Sarjit Bains, telling the (possible true) story of a hitman working in London. The film stars real life ex-gangster and underworld don Dave Courtney. Brainchild of Manish Patel, who plays the role of Singh, the main story's protagonist. The making of Triads, Yardies and Onion Bhajees was showcased in a UK BBC2 documentary.

Please write in with your appraisals of Sleeping Dogs or any other ideas you have for GTA 5 or 6.

Have a great day!

TAGS: SleepingDogs, Sleeping Dogs, GTA v Sleeping Dogs, Sleeping Dogs - Fills the GTA5 Gap, Fill the GTA5 Gap,

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Article © AndyGold 2012, all other material used like but not limited to images and video, is copyright to either its creator or originator or is used under a creative commons / public domain license.

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GTA LCPD First Response

Hey, dis is Niko. I've talked about this before, but I think this is another newer version of the mod for GTA4. This is all about 'playing-cars' really. Something we all do when we collect cars or play normal follow-the-rules types of driving.

What is so great about this video, is that the the video creator, Youtuber 'Predatordes' really gets into the role! I do this too! But I don't have this particular mod. I'm going to try and get it.

I do this with building ideas for missions and roles for businesses. If you imagine doing a delivery route, taking products back and forth when collecting products or stock from the docks or warehouse to your business premises.

It is all about 'role-playing', and if you are just a grab-and-smash merchant, (as one of my friends is), then you will never quite appreciate the idea or understand what I am talking about.

"Its boring". says my friend, or "This is just like what the cops do in real life!" and he wants to get away from that. Well I say, go and play Saints Row 3rd then! That's all a big joke of a game, (a good game, but nothing like GTA4)! (Besides, you can actually still play like that if you want in all GTA games).

If the three-foot-dildo is back in GTA5, 
then that will spoil the game!

On that point also, is why I made earlier comments in another post somewhere, about the rumor of; If the three-foot-dildo is back in GTA5, then that will spoil the game! The three-foot-dildo was a melee weapon in GTA San Andreas. Re- If Rockstargames are going to stay true to reality in the game, then when was the last time you heard of someone being bludgeoned to death with a three-foot-dildo in real life?

Anyway, I digress, but a side point is, this is what we don't want in GTA5 or 6 is tanks, jet aircraft, zombies, dildo weapons or laser guns and the like. Just keep it real and normal as for what a real gangster would have access to in all reality.

Pause reading, or listening to this and watch the video.

LCPD First Response.

I would love to play this in a RockStarGames GTA. It could be part of our protagonists double life he leads. I wonder if anyone is making a similar mod for  GTA businesses. I'd like to see the fork-lift-trucks working in a business model mod.

Lets have driving jobs that entail more than a simple delivery, like with this LCPD mod, where you pull over, then approach the car, ask for details, check them and return to the car to do a variety of other things. We could have it, like you have to load and unload your vehicle by hand, or wait for a fork-lift driver to do it. (Unless we were the fork-lift driver and delivery driver too).

LCPD-FR On Patrol: Day 1: Week 3:

We should have different businesses to work in, both as jobs we do for pay and later they would be businesses we can own and run. Being a part-time cop for a day, would help our standing in the community, in our second identity. So that we can run our secret illegal side of life, fronted by our good-guy side.

We should be able to do paramedic, fire and tow-truck missions too in a similar fashion to the LCPD-FR job. They should also be integrated, like when called to an arrest, any injured officers, innocents and felons, (felons can be escorted to hospital), any aftermath of the carnage including fire and the towing of vehicles can be arranged from calling in the police to oversee the incident scene.

I know all of this has been talked of extensively elsewhere, but I don't think I have mentioned it here before. All the other services can call the police to cover them for security and crowd and traffic control etc. Vehicles can be moved by police, onto a verge or use parking in a nearby street, where a tow truck company can collect the vehicle at their leisure, but a specialist accident vehicle recovery, should be done by the police, when the vehicle is part of a crime scene.

As a police officer (or any other city services driver or worker), you should get points against you if you cause carnage or accidents directly. Like with real police, deciding to call off the chase could save a pedestrians life and reduce damage to police and other innocent bystanders vehicles and city property. (But do we give a shit about that? It doesn't seem so)! Get enough points against you and you loose your job and have to re-do the police driver training, or go back to foot patrol.

You should have to start out by doing a basic police training day, before being let out on the street with a partner as his rookie-back-up. After work, on the way home, your partner is killed when he intervenes in a robbery. You arrive at work the next day, but having no partner the chief decides to let you go out on your own on foot patrol.

Make enough arrests and do not cause any undue damage to your environment and you will be placed on  traffic patrol duty as a promotion. You would then have a choice to go out on foot or traffic patrol. The next achievements would be  police swat and then heli-police. The eye in the sky. Each would have higher rates of pay. But, as a street cop on the beat or on traffic patrol you should be able to be a bent copper as well. Take bribes and create your own little protection racket.

This post is in reply to some people who had made comments about, 'playing-cars' and the reality angle. If you would like to write in about this post, please do so and let me know your ideas, also what you like or dislike about GTA4 and other GTA games.

Have a great day!

TAGS: GTA LCPD First Response,

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