GTAV A NewGTAgame!

Story Idea 20110730 Chase Point Drinks Warehouse

Story idea - do you like this?

Where am I?
I'm up at Chase Point, off-loading a new Sprunk drinks shipment into my drinks-warehouse. Its a new business, so I can only buy from another drinks warehouse. It costs more wholesale, but then you have to start somewhere!

Picture of. Niko arrives late. The drivers are waiting, on pay, to deliver orders.

GTA The Trashmaster Movie

GTA The Trashmaster Movie Review.

First things first, this movie is best watched in parts rather than trying to watch the whole video in one go. This is only because you might get a connection break, the video may lock-up or your computer might freeze. In addition, you can easily take a snack break!

This is a great story and is just what I am trying to do and say, that people really love doing side missions and shit. In this film, you are a vigilante, I won’t spoil the story for you, so if you are listening to the reader, stop it in a second when I say and go and watch the movie first.

The contrast and brightness could have done to be better, the picture was too dark in places and I could not see anything! I experimented with three of my computers but to no avail! I even tried a download and watched it in Real Player, this worked best, but it was still too dark in places!

I have compiled a play-list in YouTube for you, pop out the full screen to enjoy the movie and make sure you catch the trailer to the film before you see the film! Go watch it now! Then please come back after the movie and listen to my updates that I would have in the story.

Here's the trailer!

See the full movie below?

The GTA Car Showroom Business

My ideas for GTA businesses, are not like the one's we have previously seen in GTA SA and GTA VC, or like the one's in this video below, although it is a great mod. Its not quite what we are hoping for. This is where you just buy or obtain a business, then the business produces cash outside over time, and you just drop by and pick it up.

  • TIPS: To get the best from this article post, first make sure you are on the full version of the post, (if there is a 'Read more' link below the first video, click it now). This post is quite long and takes about 40 minutes to listen to. 
  • Before starting the reader, go down through the videos and set all the volume's speakers sound to zero so that you can listen to the reader and watch the videos whilst the reader talks over the top! 
  • You can also left click the full-screen button whilst the reader will still play in the background. This first video especially, is best viewed in full screen, pause and read the writing in the top left of the video. Also, perhaps pause the reader until the first video is ended.

Farnsworth's Business Mod.

MTV Cribs - Tony Montana

Say Good Night to the Bad Guy!

Article © AndyGold 2011, all other material used like but not limited to images and video, is copyright to either its creator or originator or is used under a creative commons / public domain license.


GTA Mods that Make Sense

Mods that Make Sense, is about the type of approach I really want and enjoy.
(Don't bother with the 'listen now' button for this post, just watch the videos)!

These mods make a lot of sense to me, they are realistic and true to life!
This is really what we want!

What fantastic coders these guys are!
I wish I could do this stuff! Wow!

GTA4 Mod: Realistic Driving EFLC (PC) TBoGT TLAD
By Killatomate85

My Favorite GTA MOD vidoes

Some of my favorite whacky mods!

These mods are a little bit 'outside-the-box' thinking.
Its not anything I want in the game, but I really do love the ideas! Great Mods!

I am looking for more normality, like the fork-lift-truck mod. I want the fork lift to work fully, and for all the movable stuff in the game, to be able to be picked up with the fork-lift-truck and for it to be loaded onto trucks for transport or into containers and shelves within warehouses for storage.

I want all of the buildings to be accessible and have their own interiors, even to the extent that you can rent or buy property and alter the interior decor and change and move the furniture about 'The-Sims' style.

I want businesses to work and have two sides to their activities, having a legal business, yet whilst illegally acting as a front for other criminal activities that you carry on with.

I still love these mods though.

Aliens - in GTA SA -

Films to See Games to Play

If you want a real education, then first you need to be watching films like:

Scarface (The Film). Make sure that you watch this film, before you play the game. Its only an hour-and-a-half of your life and it will make the game make complete sense.

GTA Gang Members Pedestrians Everyone

Do You Wanna Be In My Gang, My Gang, My Gang?
I have called this article GTA Gang Members pedestrians and Everyone, because I want to make a totally different type of GTA style of game, where all the AI (Artificial Intelligence), characters in the game, have their own personalities and abilities, qualities and quirks.

(P.S. -This is a long post - it takes about 30 minutes to listen to with the reader, the post has also been updated several times and the reader might not have caught up with the new version of the post, so what you see, might not be what you hear)! This is up-date 6.


GTA 4AI (Not just a memorable number-plate)!
Some thoughts on the current AI in GTA4. Lets face it, the cops are stupid! The cops are so stupid it is unrealistic. As if you could really drive round in a stolen cop car, dressed (as Vlad puts it), as a country yokel.

Silent Hell 2 GTA IV Machinima

Silent Hell 2.

 (Grand Theft Auto IV Machinima).

If you loved playing Silent Hill, you are going to love this movie. It is very well make and best of all, you know all of the actors personally! Luis Lopez fights for his life! I certainly would like to play a game set in this genre!

Episode 1.

Episode 2.

Episode 3.

Have a great day! Sleep tight now!

 TAGS: Silent Hell 2, Grand Theft Auto IV Machinima, Silent Hill, Silent Hill The Room parody GTA IV, Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games, EFLC Horror, Dream Nightmare, Pyramid Head, Luis Fernando Lopez,

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Article © AndyGold 2011, all other material used like but not limited to images and video, is copyright to either its creator or originator or is used under a creative commons / public domain license.


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Motorcycle Shop Business in GTA

Ideas for a Motorcycle Shop Business in GTA

Do you recognize this shop?  Its Westdyke_Autos, a shop that, (well), doesn't sell motorbikes!  You just walk in and steal any of your choice. But wouldn't it be nice to actually be able to legally buy a motorbike, or even run the shop?

Unsympathetic and Scathing Reviews

Unsympathetic and Scathing Reviews!

This is not necessarily about GTA or GTH, but any type of game!

Did you ever not buy a game because it had had bad vibes written about it in a mag or bad comments on a mag CD or website review?  I'm guilty of that, or should I say, have fallen victim to this propaganda.  The guilty parties are the ones making the comments, when they have no-clue what they are talking about!
