GTAV A NewGTAgame!

Here is a new GTAV video Time for a Group Hug!

This was published on August 29th 2013 on YouTube - RockStarGAmes Channel.

Time for a Group Hug?  (Because you missed this diddn't you)? Stop crying and watch it now. You may think you've seen this, but I bet you haven't.  Rockstar should have put different pictures in their title shots to show people the different videos.. You'd have thought they would know better..

Another new update (Different GTAV video), everone I told about this video, said they had already seen it, until they actually watched it. Its new! They hadn't seen it.

Michael is back in the game. A few weeks previously, he had been hapilly sulking by his swimming pool...

Now see the video..

Ask your friends when the last time they was, they watched a GTAV video update, if it was before 29th Aug 2013 they have not seen this.

Have a great day!

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GTA5 Leadership You Can Trust Jock Cranley v Sue Murry

GTA5 San Andreas Leadership You Can Trust.
 Jock Cranley v Sue Murry.

The videos might be hard to find, but they are there, click-here to go to the right R* page

Sue Murry - for Governor. GTAV - courtesy RockStarGames -
GTAV- Vote for Sue Murry to pay higher taxes.

- V -

Jock Cranley - for Governor. GTAV - courtesy RockStarGames -
GTAV - Vote for Jock Cranley to give you the finger!

Jock Cranley - for Governor.
Former Vinewood Stuntman.
Hates Everyone ..
Wants to give you the finger!

Sue Murry - for Governor.
Successfully Divorced.
Approves of Everyone and Everything.
Wants to talk-down to YOU!

Ah, realistic politics, RockStarGames is back on track with the realism promise!

Have a great day!

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TAGS: GTA5_Info, Leadership-You-Can-Trust, Jock-Cranley, Sue-Murry, GTAV, GTA5,
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GTAV Online Content Creator to Design Your Own Races

GTA5 Content Creator to 

Design Your Own Online Multiplayer 

Team Death Matches and Races.

People are saying they cannot find the new Online GamePlay Video.

The New Online Video IS HERE! CLICK HERE! 

OH - and HERE! This is the RockStarGames WHOLE PLAYLIST - so sit back and dream and WAIT!

GTAV Online GamePlay 15 Aug 2013 courtesy of RockStarGames for
GTAV Online GamePlay City Skyline courtesy of RockStarGames for
A new massive game world.
Cruise the streets in a classic car..
GTAV Online GamePlay Classic Covertible Car courtesy of RockStarGames for
Cruise the Streets.
Design your own races.
GTAV Online GamePlay Designing your own races 01 courtesy of RockStarGames for
Design your own races.

GTAV Online GamePlay Designing your own races 02 courtesy of RockStarGames for

Design you own Online Death Matches.
GTAV Online GamePlay Designing your own Death Matches 01 courtesy of RockStarGames for
Design you own death matches.

GTAV Online GamePlay Designing your own Death Matches 02 courtesy of RockStarGames for

Form Teams and have Gun Battles.
GTAV Online GamePlay Online Multiplayer Gun Battle courtesy of RockStarGames for
Form Teams and have Gun Battles.

You may well like these YouTube videos, First - I know it is an old review, but I've seen loads and this is one of the best.

Game Informer's Grand Theft Auto V Demo Impressions. (Click ME)!


Yappin' About... Grand Theft Auto V. Click here!

Have a great day!

PS - You might like this old post Silent Hell Movie - by Yeardley Diamond. GTA Machinema.

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TAGS: GTAV, GTA5-Online, GTAV-GamePlay, GTAV-Online, GTAV-Multiplayer, GTAV-Gun-Battle,,

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Article © AndyGold 2013, all other material used like but not limited to images and video, is copyright to either its creator or originator or is used under a creative commons / public domain license.

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RockStarGames V Website Updated

RockStarGames V Website Updated.

GTA5 Game Play and Previews Thurs 15th Aug 2013  Courtesy - for
GTA5 Game Play and Previews Thurs 15th Aug 2013
Courtesy - for
A whole new world of screen shots and previews of GTA5. GTAV will be out on 17th September, until then here's a taster of what we will be getting in GTA 5.

GTA5 Travel-Log on - for
GTA5 Travel-Log on Courtesy - for

All new pictures and lots to read about GTA V, on the website with and interactive Travel-Log of what's coming in GTAV.

GTA5 Has a  Thriving Economy and Commerce!

GTA5 Has a  Thriving Economy and Commerce!
GTA5 Has a  Thriving Economy and Commerce! 
Courtesy - for

GTA5 Auto's Repair and Customisation, is nore the ticket.  Courtesy - for
GTA5 Auto's Repair and Customisation, is nore the ticket.
Courtesy - for

This is more like it, car customisation and repair. Why does a game calling its-self GTA bother with under-water deep sea diving or hunting for game in the wilderness? We always wanted more auto customisation and missions or jobs to do around cars and 'road' vehicles of any kind. 

Everything from milk trucks, tractors and road sweepers, cherry-pickers, cranes, buses and trains, through to  pick-up-trucks and tow-trucks, lorries and articulated vehicles. Bikes and trike's as well as all the usual cars from bangers to super-cars are what we really want in GTA5 (or 6 now).

We want to be able to transport stuff in the cars like goods for sale and stolen loot. Keep your large guns and ammo in the trunk of cars. Use your spare tire. Carry bodies dead-or-alive in the boot of the car! 

All these things we wanted, yet they gave us Undersea Diving? Water Sports and Tennis? WTF? 
What happened to keeping it real R*? Why take out darts, pool, bowling and getting pissed? (Getting pissed is still in GTA5 I think)! But why take those out? 

Have a great day!

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TAGS: RockStarGames, NewGTAgame, RockStarGames-V-Website-Updated,

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