The serial killer uses extended periods of rainfall to drown his victims. Hence the title Heavy Rain!
Weasel News.
I would like to see a serial killer in GTA. We hear a lot in the GTA game news and radio about a serial killer, but I cannot work out, if they are talking about Niko or someone-else!
Anyway, Heavy Rain looks like a great game.
Else-where on this blog is a Machinima Movie based on the Heavy Rain story line, so I though I would make this post, just to give you the heads-up and let you know what the Heavy Rain game and story line is about!
The Heavy Rain In Liberty City Machinima Movie. - Click Here!
I did not want to leave you wondering WTF? But it would be great to be able to play that mission and have control of Niko, Luis, Johnny and the police, all in the same game! That would be similar to the four protagonists you control in Heavy Rain.
My Perfect GTA Style of Game.
What I am hinting at, as always, are that the things I talk of in my perfect GTA style of game, are possible, because it is happening in other games. I had talked about having control of several characters before, but I think I likened it to Hitman or some other similar game, where you take on the role of an assassin, then a getaway driver who are all part of a team. (Or just associates on the pay-role).
For example a mission could take a linear route, so that you could jump from one character to another as you so pleased. You would gain more points and money if you could switch at the right time to help each character perform to their best ability. Other wise, you would just sit outside the bank waiting for the rest of the gang to come out with the money, in a bank robbery. (And similar types of missions). I digress.
Getting Back to Heavy Rain.
From what I have seen, I like the story line and the interactive controls, the only minuses are being that it is only for the PS3. It does not sound like they have spent enough money testing and trialing the game, since there are numerous problems with the game freezing up and locking up PS3's. I doubt this would have happened if they had developed the game across all of the consoles and PC.
For Wiki - Heavy Rain - Click Here!
Heavy Rain Trailer.
Heavy Rain - Official E3 Trailer.
Heavy rain ps3 new trailer.
Have a great day!
TAGS: Heavy Rain video game trailer PS3,Heavy Rain,PS3,Heavy Rain PS3,
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