There are reports flooding the internet as of April 2011 (actually started about February, but we waited to see if reports were going to be backed-up by hard facts). As of April however, we have to mention these rumors, (since that is all that they still really are), because they have made it into the monthly console magazines.
The reports are that distant in their nature and none-descript, that people are jumping to conclusions. Things such as actors CV's that report casting assignments accepted for work on RockStar Games under the umbrella corporation of Take Two Interactive, that just might be for games similar to GTA.
The reports even extend to suspect domain registrations and renewals, but I cannot see how they link the URL names they mention. One like SixFigureTemps and StopPayingYourMortgage (dot coms). Which I think is someone trying it on, to jack their traffic to those sites, (although they are currently just showing holding or link pages etc). They only likely sounding domain name being CashForDeadDreams (dot com), which as I write is just showing a neutral layout page in blue with no links.
If this were a marketing exercise, those sites must surely be getting loads of hits right now from all of us GTA nuts, who simply must go look at least, (some, everyday)! (err, like me)! Look, I need to keep up, to make sure I don't miss anything for your sake and mine!
Next is a URL called LifeInvader (dot com). But again, I cannot see how any of these site names reflect on or refer to GTA. There are a few cyber-sitters, on domains like GTA5 (dot com). Now, if you are stupid enough to register names like that, it is obvious even to a monkey, that you are just trying to gain traffic by getting a similar or potential future name that may or may not be used by RockStar's GTA series.
Do you know what can happen? Well, like reports in the news a few years ago, (I cannot mention the case or names), this cyber-sitter, was found guilty of cyber-sitting and trying to steal traffic via trade-name theft and is now contemplating their mistake in prison, not to mention the fines for compensation and loosing the name to the company anyway.
Don't be stupid, trying to gain in this way with URLs, is just going to land you in big trouble, even if you think you are going to hold onto the name, until the company, (who-ever they may be), will want to come after it and request that you sell it to them for some extortionate fee! Because that's the charge you may end up with on your criminal record, extortion!
Here's another point. Why in the heck would I be interested in DVD rentals, Spa's or Internet Access when I have searched for GTA5 (dot com)? As this is what I currently got as I searched just now 2011-04-20. The jerks who registered that GTA5 domain and are using it for none-relevant links, want a right stuffing, with a red hot poker. I'd like to beat them with it for wasting my time, showing me links to stuff I'm not interested in!
The same goes to those Tw@'s @ GTAV (dot com).
What a set of annoying plonkers you are! Shame on you! (I'm crying now, I'm so upset)!
Anyway, the next bit of annoying unconfirmed news, is that (again according to some monthly console mags), the stuntman Declan Mulvey added AND THEN immediately deleted - GTAV from his online CV.
An explanation was given that, Mulvey had intended to put GTA IV on his CV, but had mistyped and missed the 'i', but many reports claim that his name does not appear in the credits of GTA4, so if it matters that much to you, you should check for yourself!
I once won a prize, (if you can call it that), to be a guest tester on a game. I played - tested for about 20 hours a day for four days, without any pay, just to get my name in the credits. I was just crashing a car into a wall over and over again. Then putting a code into a spreadsheet if anything seemed wrong, like glitches in the graphics or sound. They either lied, or made a mistake somewhere, since I never got my name into the credits! I cannot remember what became of my disgruntled complaint about it, I think I just got ignored.
I won't mention the game or company, because I don't want a lawsuit etc.
Declan Mulvey has worked on Max Payne 3 and L.A.Noire, but he did not work on GTA4. No doubt, he'll have hell to pay, now that these reports are out in the news; if he is not, or was not offered the GTA5 work!
There are also reports of casting calls that date back to Dec 2010, for actors to work on an 'interactive project', called 'Rush'. This called for 'Rockstar-ish - characters', (whatever that is supposed to mean)?
Apparently those characters are:-
A Welsh Monk, A Cultist Leader, A Yoga Teacher, A Weed Evangelist, A Swinger, An Ugly Mellow Californian Divorcee and a 'Publicist for America's newest sweetheart, who loves animals, orphans, drugs and sex.
I didn't know those character types only existed in GTA, I thought these sounded like some real people I actually know! ;-) (So, how are they 'Rockstar-ish - characters', I'd like to know)!
The last bit of news, or again, I say rumor, is that 'Rush' was supposed to be confirmed (by a Pro-Wrestler / Actor named R Esparaza, (so we cannot confirm it, because 'HE IS NOT RockStar')), is reported to have claimed it was to be a RockStar project! People seem to be reading into this, that it is confirming the rumors that it is the codename for the next GTA! (How did they arrive at that)?
There are rumors that RockStar Games will be developing games for the Wii system. But, if you want to expand on some of those rumors, why not Google search for 'Declan Mulvey GTA 5'. To be honest, I got all 'rumored-out' and was quite sick of reading all this guff, but I felt I had to report on it here, just to try and show you that I do keep up with all the news, (if you can call it that).
Most of it is a waste of time, just like the Wiki - "Home of MADE-UP FACTS." It is so full of holes, that if it were a colander, it wouldn't hold anything, due to too many holes!
Lastly, it is that the Rush 'Rockstar-ish - characters' and the Californian theme, that lead to thinking that GTA5 will possibly be set in San Francisco. I hope all of these rumors are right, but I will hold on personally before I get my hopes up. I don't think there will be a GTAV until late 2012 personally, maybe even not at all as we know it!
I think RockStar will want to refresh the whole game, so that a new game with a new title, will be the main spin-off of GTA. They might call it something like L.A. Noire. But, then again, I might just be trying to start yet another rumor!
There is a short mention of these rumors in episode 33 of the GameCast, links in the sidebar, but I've done you the favor of not having to wait and listen to it, since the presenters are not too bothered with GTA. Claiming "OK, We get it" - but they don't really, because they just cannot see the fun and interest in GTA.
I cannot understand them, they spend more time taking about a little no-history, none-brainer shoot-em-up game for xBox live, than they do taking about the biggest and best game in the world. GTA! Although they even said, people are still waiting for the really big game to be announced, (being GTA), they added - Oh no, people are not still churning out that nonsense are they! "We get it, you drive around in a car!"
So, NO - "YOU DON'T GET IT BOYS", go back to your shoot-em-ups, and driving round and round the same bit of track or up and down the same course, time and time again. GTA is not just about driving a car round. I think they could have expanded on the game and the news more than they did. But, that is their choice and their loss.
Interestingly, they talk about an indie game for xBox live, called The Dishwasher Vampire Smile'. It is the third time I've heard about it this month, but I'm only mentioning it here, since some people could not get their head round my idea for a dishwasher mission. Where you can work and earn money in one of your first jobs, or even train others to do the job so that you can be promoted. Or even for when you own a restaurant yourself in the game world.
Read about the dishwasher in my 'Ideas for Restaurant Business in GTA'.
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