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Saints Row 3 is Crap!

Hi, this is Niko.
Did the title upset you? Saints Row 3 is Crap! It really is, What a waste of time and money, pointless game it is. (And I was a Saints Row fan). Here's the proof, by their own admission, Saints Row 3 is OTT! Ridiculous, pointless and absurd.

Saints Row Fan.
I did like playing Saints Row and Saints Row 2, (although I have a problem with everyone making comparisons with GTA.  None of the Saints Row games are anything like a GTA game).

Why don't I like Saints Row 3? 
Because they have gone totally insane with the weaponry and over-the-top pointless stupid missions. The games designers have lost the plot totally. e.g. Like:- 'Call in an air-strike', (or even worse lunacy), 'a giant dildo as a club weapon' or like  'firing the cities pedestrians as human cannon-balls', WTF?

All this is absolutely absurd in a game. There is no realism, logic or reason to any of it and it totally gets boring after an hours worth of playing. Gameplay like in Saints Row 3rd, is akin to a childish cartoon game. Unlike a real RPG like the GTA4 series or Skyrim.

I just had to take Saints Row 3rd back to the shop and get a credit to my account. It cost me about £20 to find out how crap this game is. If and when a Saints Row 4 is ever made, I won't even be buying it; not even to try it out. It is almost as bad as that other piece of crap, The Wheelman.. Now, what a waste of a good title.

You'd have thought that with a game named The Wheelman, it would have at least had decent driving physics. The vehicle handling is the first point I dislike about Saints Row 3rd. Unrealistic car handling. The motorcycles are even worse!

There is no point in even explaining this to you, if you do not know the difference between what a cool, smooth ride is, that has realistic and accurate car handling physics and what it really feels like to drive, as opposed to driving a garden-shed around the streets!

If you want to learn to appreciate this, then you should test out (The original Driver game) or any GTA3 series - or GTA4 series game, against Saints Row 3 or The Wheelman. You will soon see and feel the difference and I am sure you will come to the correct conclusion!

Now take another game like Skyrim. WOW! This is very reminiscent of GTH (Grand Theft Horse-O -) I should really call it by its proper name, RDR - Red Dead Redemption. And, how is it like RDR? Well, because it has all the life-like scenery, with grasses and plants swaying in the wind and the landscape is full of life just like in GTH RDR.

Incidentally, I call Red Dead Redemption GTH (Grand Theft Horse-O-) because it was designed and released by Rockstargames at a time when we expected to be getting a GTA5. Also, the game engine (the software that makes the game what it is), is the same one used in the GTA series. All of that above, as well as the fact that you can, (if you want), steal horses; Hence Grand Theft Horse -O instead of Grand Theft Auto. If you still don't get it, (I think you are just trying to wind me up), please go and shoot yourself!

Getting back to Skyrim, this has been a real adventure. I have not been able to stop playing the game. It is a real classic, (or will be). It is a totally impressive game, with vast areas to explore and interact with. I do have some issues with Skyrim, Like, why can you not fire a weapon whilst riding your horse? It would seem to me to be a basic 'must-have' in a game that uses horses in battle.

I am planning a separate Skyrim post after this, (perhaps you have already seen it here, or maybe you came from one of my other game blogs). Skyrim has a lot to learn from GTA and vice-versa, GTA5 (or GTA6) could take a lot of inspiration from Skyrim. (More in the Skyrim post).

Anyway, all in all, Saints Row 3rd, (S.R.3), is totally crap. I was glad to get the game out of my collection. It is a stupid pointless waste of money. We also know that most of our children will be playing this, (although they should not be by law), this is my main concern for my 11 year old. So, I got rid of the game!

My son has today, had requests from his friends online, to play S.R.3, (all of them have S R 3 and all range in age from 8 to 12. So, what chance do parents stand, when we are up against this kind of game). It is a childish game and it appeals to the children, but has adult themes. I don't have any answers, I only know that I do not want my son playing it!

Death and warfare is a part of ordinary life, it is real. So playing COD, in my eyes is OK. Everyone I know lets their children play COD. I love Call of Duty and play it too. However, beating a pedestrian to death with a four-foot-dildo like in S.R.3, is not realistic or natural and that is where the separation lays for me. I am OK-with and have no problem with people being shot in a war game, or getting mugged or car-jacked in the street, GTA style in a game. It is part of real life. Hey - shit happens.

Have a great day!
Remember, shit happens!

TAGS: GTA, Saints Row 3, Saints Row 3rd, Skyrim, GTA4 Skyrim, GTH, RDR,

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