GTAV A NewGTAgame!

SKYRIM. I am a Sky Rimmer!

Hi, Niko here.
I am a Sky Rimmer. If you are from New York, you are a New Yorker, right?  If you are from London, then you are a Londoner! Well, I've been living in Skyrim for the last week or two. I am a Sky Rimmer!

NOTE. I know the title is called SKYRIM (All One Word), but the 'Listen Now' podcast service vocal cannot say 'Sky Rim', if it is all in one word. Just accept it, OK!

This is just a quick post to get things going about Sky Rim. If you are wondering what the hell I am going on about Skyrim for on a GTA blog, then you will learn as you read on, that GTA could take a lot of inspiration from Skyrim.

Skyrim has been a real adventure. 
I have not been able to stop playing the game. It is a real classic, (or will be). It is a totally impressive game, with vast areas to explore and interact with. I do have some issues with Skyrim, Like, why can you not fire a weapon whilst riding your horse, like you can in RDR? It would seem to me to be a basic 'must-have' in a game that uses horses in battle.

Skyrim has a lot to learn from Red Dead Redemption and vice-versa, the next GTA, (GTA5 (or GTA6)), could take a lot of inspiration from Skyrim. 

In this video, just watch the opening 5 minutes or so. It is from the Skyrim game producers, so pay particular attention to what is said about their goals for the game.

It is a really fantastic adventure if you can get into the game. I don't know or understand how other people can follow a game story line, if they only play a few times a week. I am an immersive style of player. I go under for 16 hours per day till I fall unconscious from lack of sleep. When I awake, I get straight back into the game for another 16 hour stint.

That is usually my weekend gone, my wife is an xbox widow, or should that be Skyrim widow?
I love the game, but this post is going to talk more about how things in Skyrim can be used in GTA, rather than a fan site post for Skyrim. Maybe it can be both? Although, I am going to bitch about Skyrim in certain areas of the game.

On the bitching front, I'm hoping that the new style format to games, whereby DLC (Down Loadable Content) can be added,  I hope that things like the no-fighting or using weapons from horseback can be sorted via DLC. I am not sure if it can be, or if they even want to. I have been told that the fighting from horse-back thing is an internal, unalterable aspect, core part to the game. So, it cannot be altered with DLC.

Another thing to bitch about, in the game, just like in GTA and similar games talked of here, is that you cannot load up a wagon or a lorry with goods or possessions and deliver them from 'A' to 'B'.
Carry, move or stash bodies and loot. Build up businesses via bulk buying and transporting the goods to a place of sale. Etc. OK, bitching is over.

What can GTA learn from Skyrim?
The way the missions or quests are laid out in Skyrim is great. If you get started on a quest, you can choose to leave other parts of the quest till later. If you get tired of a mission, you can leave it where it stands and move onto something else. Whereas, in GTA, if you start a mission, you have to play it through to its conclusion or get a mission failed.

We want the next GTA game to be more open, with more choices like in Skyrim. You can choose to go it alone or get help in the form of a companion or even a horse or a war-hound to help you battle in the quest at hand. You can choose your load out, even after you have started the mission. You can save within a mission or quest, provided you are not in the middle of fighting an enemy. (Or enemies close by).

Wear Armour or Other Clothing.
In GTA, you should have the choice to put on extra armour, like a bullet proof vest or carry a ruck-sack or hold-all to carry extra weapons or possessions. In Skyrim you can take off your armour when and where it suits you. So, you might not get into a bank with a bullet proof vest on, but may need it on exiting the bank with stolen money. Currently in GTA, you can only remove or change clothing when in an apartment location.

Stuff remains in place.
In skyrim, in general, things stay where you put them. Dead bodies lie where they fall, etc. (I think they should rot over time), or if discovered, be taken to the town or city morgue. This should be the same for GTA. It is also the same situation in COD, if you die after planting a claymore or other device, it should remain in place, not just disappear when you die.

Modifiers for Prices Within Economy.
In Skyrim, you can get better prices when trading, if you have certain artefacts of jewellery or if certain magical garments are worn during negotiations. Similarly, our protagonist Niko, could get better prices if he talks to the seller or purchaser he is dealing with, whilst he is wearing certain types of clothing. A top sports car seller would possibly be smartly dressed in a suit. A drug dealer may be dressed to blend in, although he actually really has wealth, he would dress down to the buyers dress code to sell drugs.

Ignoring these modifiers or just not learning them or implementing them, may mean you pay higher prices or fail to make a sale, or make it harder to getter a better price. Like with the decision reticule, (the spinny thing from the Scarface game, of which there is a post about that a long time ago if you search this blog for it), the spinner would run respectively more slowly with each modifier that you get right, in your favour.

Conversely, if you are not dressed correctly, or don't add things to the conversation by way of mentioning that you also own the XYZ business, the spinny thing would run faster by a percentage for each detail that you get wrong. This makes it harder, to stop the spinner in between the 10 and 12 position for a successful deal.

e.g. Things like owning a car repair garage or body shop, or car sales could be added in the list of things to say to the seller (Skyrim style), upon the first contact. Being a bigger business, the seller would be more inclined to reduce prices further than if you were only a single paint body shop. Of course this may also mean having to place a bigger order, but the modifier for mentioning that you also own the repair garage will be added. (And you can still have the option to make the smaller ordinary higher cost-per-item order).

I would also have things available in the conversation that, if you mention them, they would get a negative response. So it is not just a matter of adding everything available in the conversation paths. Sky Rim, (Skyrim), has this, (That's where I just got the idea from). In skyrim, you can say things like, 'I think your brother deserved getting his head chopped off'!' (That is not an actual quote from the game, just one I've made up, since I cannot remember exactly what the AI's said).

You can understand how a comment like that will bring you grief! In GTA, if you tell a group of guys with guns drawn to Funk-Off, and you have no guns. You can expect trouble, ending in a shallow grave for you. If you are intimidating someone, extorting money from a toy-shop-keeper. Twisting the head off a childs toy teddy-bear may bring better results than punching the guy around. Because he will end-up, off work, closing the toy-shop for a few days, because he cannot serve children or parents with kids with two black-eyes and a fat-lip. (Do you see where I'm going with this).

We just need someone, (probably myself), to write out a few scenarios and conversational details. Please write in if you have any ideas. We would need several possible outcomes and different conversational items to say from all parties in the conversation. I think I will write an example for you in one of the coming posts.
Look for 'Intimidating the Toy Shop Keeper' post. (I've just drafted it, so it isn't finished, but you will get the idea).

Intimidate People.
This is the whole point of where Niko or any GTA character is coming from, don't you think? As in Skyrim you could 'persuade' people. You could decide to add intimidating remarks, (even over the phone), or better still, just be holding your pistol in your hand. It has the wonderful effect of making people more agreeable. The harder the character you are dealing with the bigger the gun you will need to impress them!

I would not just have intimidating remarks or actions on certain characters, but on all characters throughout the game. This is so that you have to learn when and when-not to use them. Making mistakes with people is a big part of life in the real world. If you upset someone, you may have to do more for them to regain their trust otherwise, you must continue down the path of intimidation. This would only take you so far with certain characters, they will not be your loyal friends when you need then the most!

All Buildings Have Interiors!
This is exactly what I've been saying all along. Now, I know there is a big difference between a Skyrim village with a dozen houses with several rooms in each over several floors and a massive sprawling metropolis with thousands of houses and apartments like in GTA. But, hey, I don't give a monkeys left testicle about that! I just want it! I do not care how many disks it takes!

Locks, almost all of them can be picked, with different levels of difficulty, dependant upon the money spent on the lock and other security. This works both ways, whereby you can put expert level locks on your own premises and add other security measures to halt the thieves. Flood lighting, security guards and even guard dogs (untrained and trained). We have the war-hound in Skyrim, but he only walks with you or can be left to guard your shit, (sorry, I mean to say stuff like equipment etc But, the only thing I discovered was that if you left the war-hound for too long, he disappeared)!

We will no-doubt return to Skyrim for more inspiration for things to have in our perfect GTA world. There are vastly more things to add to the game. New ideas are coming all the time, please write in with your ideas too. 

Have a great day!
Sky Rimming.

TAGS: Skyrim, RDR-GTA, Skyrimmer, Grand Theft Horse-O, GTH, GTA, Grand Theft Auto,

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