One of the big problems with GTA4 et al, is that there are not many indoor environments to play in. Even your living space in GTA does not really do much for the role play aspect of making you believe that you are in a real ‘virtual’ world.
Problems are like-
- You do not have to buy your residence. In fact, there is not much to spend your money on in the game, apart from clothing, guns and a bit of food, or the ridiculously low priced car repair and respray shop, (where you cannot even choose the color of your car and it only takes three hours to fix everything and respray it). You do pay a hospital bill - but this is an extortionate fee.
- You cannot enter every building! I would suggest that any and every building should be enterable via legal or illegal means. Mostly GTA buildings are just solid blocks of texture! This is my inspiration for this post today, as I have been playing Battlefield 3, and I am well impressed with the fact that most every building has access. (Not all of them though). You should be able to get into any building, especially if you have a special RPG access key - or more realistically perhaps, just a crow-bar!
- Inside at your apartments. There are lots of issues inside. You cannot smash your own windows, or open them. Clothing appears magically at all of your residencies even though you only own one of the kind. Lights and doors don’t work. Things get magically replaced or repaired upon your return after smashing up your pad, (shoot up the TV etc).
So, I could go on, but you get the picture, don’t you. I do not want to spoil GTA and make it into The SIMS, although there would be a lot of ideas Rockstar could take from The Sims.
Least ways, you should have the ability to buy your residence, choosing your location or buying as many locations as you want. Then I’d have the ability to buy furniture to put in it, just like in The SIMS.
There would be home services, (that are also real businesses that you can work in and later own), Like radiator-repair, fridge-freezer-repair, TV & radio-repair, Electrical and lighting-repair, window-glass-repair, door-repair, security-alarm-fitter and -repair, cooker-repair and decorator with -repair services, (and any others you can think of that I have not mentioned here).
Then, if your apartment or house gets trashed, it costs you to put it all right. You should be able to use the residences, for anything you like, with respect to legal and illegal use. Like growing weed in your loft, or using a house as a brothel, or drugs cutting warehouse. Store illegal or stolen goods. Also, get all the police attention that your activities might bring you and the things you can do to avoid that detection.
You should be able to rent out properties legally and illegally, (like when you rent a place yourself and then sub-let the apartment to others for even more money, (there-by, paying the rent and pocketing the profits you make),
Or, like with our Roman story from many moons ago.
Roman rented out apartments to fictitious names, overcrowding them, so that illegal-aliens could have a place to stay. They also worked in Romans taxi-company, under the same assumed names. Roman did not have to pay insurance for lots of drivers or pay sickness leave and taxes for them. - Using just one fictitious identity, duplicated over lots of people, driving lots of cabs, all with the same number-plate and driver- licence details). It happens in the real world, believe me!
Accessible Interiors.
Accessible interiors would also mean more realistic garage sizes and businesses that had actual machinery or places to work in. I have plenty of stories and ideas for businesses and factories that are possible, that fit into the GTA game-world, that are relative to the theme of GTA.
Relative to GTA (businesses), means the work type involves driving work or missions or are involved in motor vehicular purchase or parts for vehicles and the maintenance and recycling of motor vehicles of all kinds. (no- unreal or futuristic nonsense like jet-packs or flying jet fighters).
Storage for products - produced or purchased for use or resale involving a full working economy.
Some business ideas were- (I’ve tried to make this list as comprehensive as possible).
- Warehousing for Car Imports and Exports. Work in the warehouses and own the warehouses later in the game when you have the wealth and business acumen.
- Various types or groups of Car Importers Warehouses as outlined later below.
- Car Service Parts Warehouse. (Non-Electrical), Mechanical parts, tires and vehicle window glass. Various warehouses supply different vehicle group types.
- Warehousing for products for import, use and product production to export.
- Raw materials. like- Paper, (on rolls of industrial size, for the news-paper and toilet paper roll factories). Wood, (for the building industry like pallet making and furniture construction factories). Plastic-Pellets, (for moulding machinery in the plastic bottles factories). Plastic on rolls, (for use in the hot drinks and plastic cup factory). And thinner sheets of plastic on rolls for wrapping pallet loads to keep boxes secure on pallets during transport.
- Electrical-factors import warehouses. Separate warehouses each for Motor vehicle electrical's. Home appliances, (all white goods). Factory Machinery and parts. Hi-Fi, TV and radio related items like mobile phones.
- Lock-Ups. (For small businesses as storage space for shops and in some cases starting manufacturing processes, leading to expansion into larger premises).
- Factories for items supplied and used in the game-world and sent out for export via docks. Also, because we have sales to exports, we do not have to closely balance the scales of how much is produced and how much is used in the game world, the over-spill goes to export sales, so there is no economical fine balance to keep track of.
- Toilet Paper Factory. Local warehouse supplied and sales to exports.
- News Paper Factory. Local newspaper and export sales. Drivers keep vending machines filled daily, but factory work is a separate job and issue, covered elsewhere previously.
- Paper and Plastic cups Factory. Local warehouse supplied and sales to exports.
- Pallet Making Factory. (Wooden pallets produced for export and sold to other factories to pack their produce on for transport).
- Cardboard Box Making Factory. (Supplies flat-packed boxes of all sizes)
- Vehicle Breakers Yards. Dismantles vehicles and separates the parts for saleable second-hand parts or scrap. Recycling tires and batteries by selling them on to the city chemical and waste plants.
- Furniture Factory. (Krappia).
- Plastic Bottle and Drinking Water Bottle Factory. Produces empty bottles for export and supplies the Drinking water bottling plant.
- Drinking Water Bottling Plant. (Fills bottles with spring water from an underground pure water spring! Labels and boxes bottled water and large 5 and 10 gallon vending bottles. This is a wholesalers and exports production.
- Car Electrical Parts Specialist. - (Batteries and Alternators), Different models or groups of vehicles would have different specialists, (Like you could not expect a commercial heavy lorry electrical specialist to get batteries or alternators, ignition systems or electric windows etc for a lamborghini sport supercar. Nor would a cheap end car dealer supply them)! So, different specialists for different vehicle groups.
- Vehicle Mechanics - and Engine Tuners.: - Again as above, different specialists for different vehicle groups.
- Car Sales Showrooms. Again as above, different specialists for different vehicle groups, I had suggested, for cars- Banger Basement: Midtown Motors: The Luxury Car Specialist: The Sports Car Specialists. For motorcycles- The Motorcycle Chopper Shop: The Road-Bike Purveyors: The Trail Bike and Quad Showroom; The Sports Bike Shop: For Commercial Vehicles- Light van and cargo sales showroom: Large van and box vehicle sales: Heavy Lorry and Trailer Sales; Maintenance and Specialist Vehicle Sales; (This last specialist would sell all the other vehicle types available in the game, that are not available elsewhere)!
- Tyre Specialists Fitting Shops: Several for each of the different vehicular groups I’ve already mentioned above and the same for those others I have not remembered to add here yet! (and below).
- Windscreen Specialists. (Small warehouses and fitting bays for different categories of vehicles).
- Paint Shops (Re-Spray-Vehicle-Body-Shops) - Several for each vehicular category!
- Paints warehouse - Imports only , as no paint is produced on our GTA islands. This also buys in inks and screen printing products for use in the printing industries in the gameworld.
- Foods Warehouses - Separate warehouses for meats, fruits and vegetables, tinned or canned produce, powders and grains warehouse. (flour, wheat, barley, sugar, maise, coffee, tea’s, etc) - Because we have beer-brewery plants and catering plants packaging vending products.
- Hot Drinks Vending Produce Factory. Takes - Paper and Plastic cups, coffee and tea etc, Cardboard Boxes in flat pack, (and pallets from the pallet factory), and produces boxes of vending packs for vending machines. For use in the gameworld and for export.
- Cold drinks Vending Packing Plant. Takes liquids like water and flavorings from the grains warehouse, paper and plastic cups from those respective factories, and canning drinks production. Uses pallets and cardboard boxes in flatpack - producing cold vending packs for drinks machines and dispensers. Used in the game-world produced for export.
- Anything and everything can be produced for export.
- There would be BMX bike shops, Skateboard Shops, Sports Clothing chops.
- PC and laptop shops. (All Imports).
- Hi-Fi, TV, shops, (you can also buy radio equipment for your cars and GPS etc).
- Mobile Phone Shops. (All imports).
- Electrical ‘White’ goods, for kitchen and utility appliances. (All imports).
- Printing shops. Get business cards and advertising printed. These businesses are also connected with advertising agencies for your businesses and can get your posters up on bus stops, train platforms and billboards. These businesses generally run with small to medium vans.
- Hardware shops. (Buy tools and equipment like ropes and crowbars, ref-the bank jobs and breaking in). A small warehouse and three shop retail operation would do it.
- I have an idea for a funerals business running against other competing funeral businesses in the city. These would have special parking garages, business operating rooms - service rooms and display rooms for grieving relatives.
- A City Mortuary, with its own vehicles that would attend accident scenes where people were DOA. The mortuary would work in connection with the funeral parlors and hospitals services. Also, the cremation plants in chapels that are usually located in or nearby grave-yards.
- Non-physical-product related businesses that need interiors are offices for city management, insurance agents offices, lawyers offices, accountants offices and other business characters in the game who have offices. Plus probably lot of other that I cannot think of here and now! Like...
- Police, fire and ambulance buildings, hospitals, churches, The Bus Company and Train Stations and Airports, along with all their support buildings and public service buildings like toilets, washrooms, (separate for public and staff), and public waiting-rooms.
- Banks. Brokers, Bailiffs, Bail-Bondsmen and Boozers. (Pubs and Clubs and other locations that I have not mentioned that need an indoor environment)!
- Security Vehicle Business. Offers security guards and secure transport. (Ensure your cash profits get safely to your bank).
- Don’t forget you need offices within each of the businesses and security rooms and huts for guards etc. Mostly, interiors in GTA also miss out toilets for anyone, but there should be toilets for staff and customers separately in shop areas.
- A Portaloo Business, to supply toilet services to outdoor car park areas and building sites, public outdoor functions, like the night (and Sunday), street races I had planned in another GTA game ideas post.
- Hire shop businesses to rent expensive vehicles legally if you run a legal business and don’t want to spoil it with illegal activities. (Rent trailers and vehicles etc).
- Food shops like in GTA4 - the 24/7 store, various grocers and other food shopping places, ethnic foods retail in certain areas like the chinese herbal store, (and warehouse), Italian, German and French cuisine shops and warehouses, (although smaller than ordinary warehouses).
- Clothing warehouses, again as with the vehicular issue, we need different quality and price range separators as well as the various clothing styles, from suits to sportswear and general casual clothing. So, different warehouses and different shops to sell the items in.
- Footwear, (again as above, styles and quality separators).
- Gyms, Boxing Rings, Ice-Skate Rinks, Indoor Skate Parks, with mixed and singular sessions for skateboards and roller skates, (These are businesses you can use recreationally and work in and eventually take over and own if you want).
- There are more businesses, but this gives you an idea for how to use interiors!
- Residences for all peds. -Pedestrians- (an ambitious idea, but it can be done).
- Garages for (most) -all apartments, some with more than one parking space or garage.
- Multi Storey Carparks.. And of course NONE of this would be any good, if Rockstar do not sort out the vanishing car problem. If you park it, it should remain where you left it, with relevance to the crime-rate in the area and the amount of security you have on or around the vehicle. So, guarded multi-story car parks should be a quite safe and reliable place to store your car. and it should always cost money to park - except when you own the property where you are parking.
- Scrap Metal Plants crushing cars and scrap metal exports for recycling,
- Oils Recycling, (from cars), export or used at the powerplant or recycled.
- The Chemical Plant - is a place with interiors that you can work in but not own. It produces, petrol, diesel and gas, from crude oil pumped ashore from an offshore oil-rig.. (Bottled gas.. - there is also a recycling part to the bottled-gas factory - that you can work in - and use for supplying bottled gas as a dealer). Also the Chemical and power plant burns oil and city waste materials, (again you can work for the city in theses jobs), Also takes batteries for destruction and recycling. (You can also own gas stations to fuel cars etc - buy petrol and diesel from the chemical company. The chemical company (THE CITY) also exports fuels to provide and income for the city economy. You can work at the docks moving this stuff around (and stealing a little too).
- Gas Stations. Petrol, diesel, bottled gas and coal-sales. You can own garages and sell fuel to car drivers. (also, there is a small store retail operation to each garage as well as expansion to car washes and repair bays, body shops, electrical motor and tyres sales on a small basis. (Coal-sales - you’ve seen the fires in the 50 gallon oil drums on building sites and in the streets in GTA4, those require coal or old wooden pallets and paper waste to burn).
- Taxi Businesses - Three main similar competing services in each island as based upon the GTA4 model map. You can work in any, (with the required licenses), own them later too.
- Limousine Service for VIPS - runs like a taxi business but with less cars, its a small operation.
- Air Taxi - (Similar to the Limousine business, but uses a light aircraft like a cessna or a helicopter).
- Air Cargo - (Again a small business, delivering air freight).
Interiors issue is not looking good for GTA5!
As I write, I heard that GTA5 is not having dating anymore, nor the indoor activities of pool, bowling, darts (and dancing in TBoGT). I think this is a mistake, compounded and made worse by the added Golf game, Rockstar are reported to have replaced them with. What more could they possibly do to spoil GTA than to add Golf! (I know some of you love Golf - But GTA is not the time or place for Golf).
No-doubt there will be lots of other good stuff in GTA-V, that will make up for our loss, as was the same with the difference between GTA4 and the previous San Andreas when Rockstart took all of the side missions away from us like the Paramedic, Fire, Pizza, BMX skate-park, and flying planes, and the police motorbike and taxi missions.
Yes, I know R* gave us police missions in GTA4 - (before you write in)! But, the police missions are ridiculously hard, if not impossible to attend, as the timer gets shorter and shorter with the more missions that you do. (After you’ve done ten or fifteen calls, it is impossible to get there in the time allowed) So, even if you could parachute in, you still would not have time to complete the mission. Also, we had taxi missions in GTA-IV- but there were only 10 Taxi jobs to do for Roman.
What about you? Do you think my ideas here on interiors are good?
Either way, please write in with yours.
Niko Bellic.
Have a great day!
TAGS: Indoors In My Perfect GTA Game,
New GTA game, New GTA Game Ideas, New Game of GTA,
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