GTAV A NewGTAgame!

A Limited Edition GTA5

A Limited Edition GTA5? What? Already?

My thoughts on the GTAV game, yes it is going to be awesome, all the GTA games are. But, I would have rather RockStar concentrate on Automotive Autos action and base the games and missions more around 'stealing-cars' as the Grand Theft Auto name suggests.

If I go to play, 'Sea-Bass' Fishing Tournament, (game), I would not expect to be driving a tractor, or flying a plane. So, why would you be able to go scuba diving and have a whole undersea world to explore in GTA5?

I am surprised that GTA - RockStar have not made a Zombies version of GTA yet. (See my other post click here, about GTA4 zombies mods).

GamerSheep only just got a Limited Edition Copy?

So, what are your thoughts on having a vast water-world, in a game that is supposed to be about stealing cars. Also, before anyone mentions it, my ideas for a new kind of GTA game are only based in the GTA4 game-world. That is what this blog is all about, (mainly), although I do present a lot of other relative news about GTA games.

My ideas for a new kind of GTA game, one that teaches how life and business works in the real world, along with entertaining players; Is also based on other gangster games too, like Mafia2, The Godfather and Scarface, (The Game). (Don't say Saints Row)!

I don't want things that are not real, like laser guns, or things that are unobtainable and impossible in a real world environment. When was the last time you saw OJ flying through Manhattan in a fighter-jet.

Does no-one else see my point about this? OK, Zombies aren't real either, but, I just thought that since RockStar had done it in several other titles, they should have done a separate game for that genre like they did with RDR. (Red Dead Redemption, (I know you knew that, just checking)!)

Rather than having a vast undersea world to explore, (heck, Tommy-V could not even swim), I would rather they had all interiors! Every house and every room. Businesses that work, apartments and property to buy. (I mean buy everything, not just fixed safe-houses where 'they' decide you will live).

Have a great day!

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TAGS: New GTA game, A Limited Edition GTA5

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