GTAV A NewGTAgame!

GTA V - GTA 5 o'clock - HUD revealed, phone explained and map updated!

One of the best shows to follow on YouTube that talks about GTA5, is GTA5O'clock.

They have great discussions about what we think we might see in GTA5. With wishlists and speculation as to what we think we want in the next GTA5 game, you can contribute by posting your questions and speculation of what you think RockStar are getting up to in GTAV.

I get lots of wishlists and emails sent about GTA5, but this blog is not really about GTA as such, it is more about my own (and your own), ideas for building a new style of GTA game, (newGTAgame). It would still have the gangster element, but you could also build businesses and would have to keep a balance between, doing good and bad things. (Or just go totally in either direction with your game, be a bad guy or a good guy).  [Continued below at **]

My recent comment was.
GTA5 Map (or game world) bigger? Why does R* waste time doing underwater? GTAV is supposed to be about stealing cars! All this talk about the phone apps, who cares? If I want to play games on a phone I can do that on my real phone. (perhaps just have Tetris). Instead of underwater design R* could have done more interiors. Every building needs interiors, R* could have done to go more 'The SIMS' style than 'Bass-Fishing' I think. Love your show, embedding your video on my NewGTAgame ( blog.

[** Continuing] You would still have to do some bad stuff in my perfect game to honor past agreements and whilst helping people you meet in the game. (Like Michael - bad guy trying to go straight). I was talking about this, since the days of San Andreas! Like, you know it is bad to kill people, (it is, you did knew that didn't you)?

Perhaps, the only way to stop the drug pushers selling drugs at your teens high-school, is to whack them! (Hows this for an idea, STEAL a car, make sure you are wearing gloves when you steal the car (because you don't want to be traced after the shooting). Then do a drive by in true GTA fashion!  Torch the car afterwards, then go carp-fishing on the Zancudo River)!

The drugs pushers do just keep coming back, but after several vigilante style killings of drugs pushers, (when new ones return to replace that last one you killed), you eventually get into a big battle with the organization behind the pushers. Then end up taking out their base or warehouse like in The Godfather game.

I think RockStarGames are losing the plot!

Alternately, why not just skip all that GTA stuff and go scuba-diving for treasure, like a salvage-hunter in a game that is supposed to be about stealing cars and being a gangster! (Or ex-gangster).

My other point being, that all that game coding for the underwater world, takes up a lot of processing power and space on the game disc, that could otherwise be used for things like giving us more vehicle types and to be actually able to 'use' them. Re- fork lift trucks that didn't work and articulated lorries that you couldn't tow their trailers with in GTA4, and give us more car customization. I think RockStarGames are losing the plot!

Did you know that you can get through GTA4 without actually stealing cars, (if you don't do the stealing cars to order side missions for Stevie). Try it as a run up to and whilst waiting for GTA5. I did it, can you.  Boats do not count as autos, (they are not 'AUTO's), and even though you pilot Brucies boat for him at his request on the sightseeing dates, you still get a boats stolen +1 added to your stats! What?

A plane is not an AUTO. I do like to have the planes in the game. It seems reasonable to me that you should be able to learn to fly in GTA and fly helicopters and light private and commercial planes. But, flying jets? On a whim? Over the city? (I think you need presidential approval for that don't you)?

So, that is why I say that Rock Star Games have lost the plot. They are looking more and more like Saints Row 3rd to my with their idiotic fat heads and stupid street-fighter style moves. Those games are great and I do love them. But, each to his own and all that. RockStar did say, years ago, that their whole vision and point behind GTA4, was to create a REALISTIC game, that mimicked the real life scenarios of a gangster lifestyle.

You or I could steal a car, break into a shop or apartments, run people over. Build-up gangs, start feuds with rival gangs, spring people from prison and prison transports, sell drugs or grow weed etc, rob banks, and all that shit. But, what are the real chances that you could just go and steal AND fly a fighter jet, (or fly a jet pack), anytime this week (or even once in your life-time), and do that several times a week?

GTA Wish List? - Stuff that's real, (it really happens in real life)!

  • The ability to steal cars and ring them, selling them on for profit! 
  • See the GTA Car Ringing Post - Click Here!
  • When you park cars in the street the stay in place, (unless some AI thieving toerag steals them)!
  • You should be able to use the boot of the car to store guns and food, medical packs, bodies.
  • Carry stock and other stuff for use or resale in the game. Re-building businesses.
  • Store cars in warehouses or lock ups, singe and multistory garages. (Rental fees for space).
  • Give us more car customization control, allow modding for cars, (so that we can DLC stuff similar to how Farming-Simulator 2011 and 2013 have their modded vehicles implemented as part of the options to install mods). Also allow modding for mini games, (like the LCPD modding-communities have done on YouTube already). 
  • Allow us to mod our internal living space. Design your own interiors, factories, shops, garages, all in-door spaces could be laid out as WE want, The Sims style. 
  • See my post:- Indoors In My Perfect GTA Game. Click here!
  • Give us access to all-interiors, (don't waste time or disc space on flipping dolphins and sea-weed)! All roads are accessible aren't they, all outdoor areas, even the sky! So, why not all interiors? Then we could have to break in, either silently and stealthily or smash, bang, grab style. Have as many apartments and shops as we can afford to buy, rent them out to AI citizens. 
  • Learn to fly, rather than just steal a plane of helicopter. You have to use the skills developed in the flying lessons, in actual missions. Like a difficult short landing on an island, or on a skyscraper in high winds with a helicopter. Perhaps fly upside down to transfer bags of weed from one plane to another in mid air to avoid the cops.
  • Respray should be more time and cost realistic.
  • Buy and sell parts for your cars, do street races and banger races.
  • Enter all buildings, (and / or be able to break in anywhere with your trusty crowbar), and be able to design your internal living space. If you can afford to buy it or rent it you can have as many apartments, warehouses and business premises as you please, (if available).
  • Have businesses that really work in the game and supply the game world with what it needs, (read my posts here on this blog to get the idea).
  • No pulling RPG.s and AK's out of your back pocket, need to wear a raincoat to hide carrying it.
  • None of the Max Payne, Matrix-style bullet time crap, or superhuman abilities, that R* are going to kill GTA5 with! Why don't we just all buy capes and have unlimited health and stamina and be bullet proof.
  • Why bother with stealing cars and traveling all-together, lets just morph into other cars like Driver3, (that went totally crap too because they lost the plot). If they remade the original Driver-Game in GTA4 style, re the driving challenges for the wheel-man at the start of the game, was the most impressive start to any game ever. With an answer machine in your apartment and calling from the street phones. I'd buy it.
  • RockStarGames are forgetting their original goal and promises to keep it real!
RDR, could have had a revamp, with the ability to carry provisions in the wagons, the need to pack pelts and stuff that you want to carry when hunting, (with carry limits too), so that you need to take an extra pack horse along. (e.g. A pack horse would be more expensive than two donkeys, that can carry slightly more, but are slower), and other types of things like that.
Instead, they give in to peer-like-pressure and did ZOMBIES! WTF?

  • RDR - the most realistic and life-like game ever built, with graphical rendering to mimic the real world like no other game before. A living breathing game-world that is so realistic, with wild life and realistic weather and day and night simulation. 
  • (Oops but then we went and ruined Red Dead Redemption by turning out a ZOMBIES version). 
  • Selling out to what every other game seems to do; Zombies! 
  • Hasn't everyone had enough of zombies for gods sake?
  • Big Sigh;   
  • Listen, I loved the Zombies game, I really did. But, RockStarGames could have done much more with RDR, I was hoping that the original game was going to be a precursor to more life-like story lines along the ranching, trade post running, being a gun-slinger, horse trader, horse breeder, cattle-breeder of several kinds, running a passenger transport stagecoach ompany, mining, hunter, running a bar and casino, sheriff, outlaw. (Yes, you are an outlaw most of the time in RDR, but it is missing out a lot of stuff). You cannot steal and sell horses, (or even feed your horse and get it re-shoe'd), you cannot rob citizens without killing them first, (like a stagecoach hold-up), RockStar missed the opportunity to have hide-outs and businesses that are fronts for your illegal activities, owning farms and buying equipment and livestock. There is just so much they could have easily done instead of adding Zombies.

The could have expanded on the running a ranch, capturing and breeding horses and cattle, the cattle drives etc. I always am amazed, when I get to a point in a RockStar game like Red Dead, when we did the cattle drive mission for McFarlin. There's me thinking, this is funking-great, I really love this, I expect there will be lots of things to do once I've learned to do this in the game.

Perhaps I can become a rancher and breed my own cattle and drive them across the wilderness for sale, fighting cattle thieves and stampedes, drought and starvation all the way if I don't choose the best route and time of year to set out. Take the correct provisions and re-supply on the route etc.   Ride back on the train with the horses in a cattle car.

Then what, not one single other mission of cattle driving job to do ever. RockStar Gmaes - you are:- Wind up merchants! Got me thinking I was in for cattle rustling and all that, then left me high and dry. You did that in San Andreas with all those flying lessons that went no-where! Not needed in missions.

Same for tanks and all that unrealistic stuff.  In my lifetime (50 years), I have only ever heard of one person ever having stolen a tank and taking it down the public highway. he beached it over the central reserve and I think the police killed him on the spot. Tanks and jets, might be good fun, but I think they should be items that are outside of the story-line and would be good for multi-player etc.

As for mobile phones and apps, we get enough of all that crap in RL on our own phones, why would we want to duplicate that in a game? It was like when I was watching the xBox one revel trailer, (see my last post and the last video), where all they seemed to go on about was TV and Sport, I hate TV and Sport, that IS why I am escaping to a gangster game world, or COD and BF3 game-world, to get away from it, and phone apps!

I'm done griping, maybe I am just becoming a grumpy old fart! Doesn't anyone else thing RockStar could do better than to do under-water? ITs GTA! - GRAND THEFT AUTO not GSB!  - Go Swimming and Boating.

This shows my age, I was just asked. What is Tetris? Tetris described on the Wiki!

Have a great day!

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TAGS: New GTA game, GTA5, GTAV, GTA5O'clock, YouTubeGTA5Show,

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