GTAV A NewGTAgame!

GTA Wish List

What We Want in Future GTA Games. List Version 5.

What we want in GTA games of the future. This list is not in any order right now, but perhaps later I will re-post this to update the article if, as and when people add their own ideas.

We don’t want lazer guns, zombies and flying cars! Keep it realistic as like what would really happen in the real world. No-rocket launchers pulled out of your pants-fly-zipper! WTF?

Please contact by e-mail to putting ‘My GTA Wish List’ in the subject line, (then your e-mail will go to the right folder instead of getting junked), and I will eventually get to it.

If your idea is used you will get credit by way of your name or initials in brackets after the suggestion like this. [Niko], with a link to your YouTube channel or website if you have one that is relevant to the GTA game ideas.

Currently, there are no other contributors to this list. Ideas have been compiled from the other GTA games and similar open world games like Mafia2, The Godfather, The Driver series, Saints Row and many others.
Niko at New GTA game, [Niko], is the only contributor.

To get your credit, e-mail me or post comments of reasonable things you want in your perfect GTA game.  

The numbered list is always changing, so don’t just add to something in the list, by quoting the number next to the suggestion. Please copy and paste the whole item into your comment or e-mail. (A person e-mailed me saying add to No 10 idea, buying half price)! I don’t know what this relates to anymore, since the original numbers have changed many times. The numbers are just to help your eye follow the reader if you are listening along with the post)!

KEY. (Switchable);  means, However, not wanting to spoil the fun aspect of the game play, we also want to be able to play similar to how GTA4 currently plays. So, we need a “switch” in the options menu that turns the feature off and on. (Which will also impact on the 100% completion). Default is ON.  

  1. Realism only, no-jet-packs, flying cars, or ability to carry a tonne of guns and ammo. (Switchable).
    1. (However, not wanting to spoil the fun aspect of the game, we also want to have a fun vehicles switch in the options menu that turns ‘Fun Vehicles’ on and off. (Which will impact on the 100% outcome for those of us who want to have true to life RPG)).
    2. ‘Fun Vehicles’, might also turn off or reduce police penalties like for stealing a jet plane or boat, to the current levels that are in GTA SA. Otherwise, you should have to get your pilots licence like in GTA SA!
  2. Separate Licenses for Normal Cars, Motorcycles, Small light Planes, Passenger Jets, War Planes, (like GTA SA vehicles), Boats, Helicopters, Taxis, Limmo’s, Large Trucks, Buses, Articulated Lorries, Hovercraft. The only vehicles that would be free of a licence would be a BMX bike and a skateboard. (Switchable. Switch licenses Off-On, or add to the ‘Fun Vehicles’ switch).
  3. Realistic prices for vehicles, fixed to the era of the game setting. (This is linked to the economies idea).
  4. Realistic ticket prices for travel using planes and fuel etc. (Switchable) . (This is linked to the economies idea).
  5. Taxi travel, like in current GTA4, but must have time penalty equal to the time it would take to realistically drive from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’. (No-instant-teleporting).
  6. Re-name your character to your own choice. (But, missions audio calls you nick-name like Bud, Buddie, Mate, Pal, Friend, Stranger, Hey you, or maybe we could have a choice of nick-names).
  7. Pedestrians with names and addresses in the game world.
  8. Pedestrians with attributes like skills and personality.
  9. Life other than just the criminal life, working normal jobs- running businesses. Try to become a millionaire in the game, by legal means only.
  10. Real world worthwhile jobs that you can really work in.

  1. Promotions in jobs for time and actions achievements.
  2. Cars that stay where you put them. (except when stolen from you).
  3. Cops level difficulty variations and on-off switches in options. (Must also impact of 100% completion stats of game missions). 
  4. Music and all sounds separate and all on separate volume controls.
  5. Silence in game pause option, with volume control on radio station during pause.
  6. Places to hide guns, no rocket launcher down your trousers.
  7. All interiors to be available and accessible by breaking in.
  8. All windows openable and breakable. 
  9. All windows and doors can be kicked in, or forced. 
  10. All locks can be picked, with skill and time.

  1. All cars and houses have different combinations to pick locks, Mafia2 style.
  2. Burglary jobs for self or steal to order like in GTA SA using stealth.
  3. Stealth attacks, with or without killing victim.
  4. Hog tie victim, rope, tape or tie-wraps Red Dead Redemption style. 
  5. Gag victim to keep them quiet. 
  6. Hide bodies dead or alive. 
  7. Cars can run out of gas. Toggle fuel up cars on and off in menu.
  8. Radios GTA4 style, with reports of good or bad things you’ve done. 
  9. Gangs, on a larger scale, but similar idea to The Godfather 2. 
  10. Cars with working trunks you can put stuff in. 

Yoeseff's Car
  1. Carry stuff, bodies, products, anything in pick-up’s, lorries and trucks. 
  2. Store anything, products, vehicles, in warehouses and lock-up’s or on fenced lots.
  3. All lock-up’s and warehouses work and are rentable to store things or run businesses from. 
  4. Ordinary jobs in the game that also prove helpful in your day to day activities personally, like fixing cars and jobs that teach or train you to drive, pilot or ride vehicles and what steps to take and in what order to get things done. (I’ll have to expand this idea later for you, but similar to the Mechanics Job line of thinking).
  5. Fix engine like in Mafia 2, but with more learnable button pressing routines to fix either fuel-line, carb’s, or electrics like ignition faults under the hood, including bypassing alarms and immobilizers, fixing lights and starter. Fix flat tyre by changing the wheel and using the pickup tow truck. (also part of garage Mechanic jobs). 
  6. Garages work similar to those in Mafia 2, to get car repaired, but also takes realistic time to fix, so ability to drop off a car (or more than one car), to be picked up later. 
  7. Private storage garages GTA San Andreas style, not Mafia2 style. A two car garage can hold only two cars not ten!
  8. Cars are able to be modified to own spec and stored in a garage GTA SA style.
  9. Duel Time, where time expands to normal for driving and certain missions.

  1. Duel time ideas.
    1. Standard GTA time is one real minute is one hour in the GTA game-world. Things like your day to day stuff. Working in a day job. (e.g. one days work of 8 hours only takes 8 minutes).
    2. Normal real time is where 3 minutes is actually 3 minutes in our real world. This switches time to normal, when in a car chase, or when driving. (but, on foot, time reverts to GTA standard time).

Why, you may ask, is because it really shouldn’t take 10 hours to drive across town! In real life like it does in GTA4 currently. It might take an hour or it might take 45 minutes.    
This physical gap can be closed by having taxi rides or your henchman drive you, whereby, you select skip to destination, but the time it takes to get there should be the same. (No instant teleporting, one second later)! It is still instant, but the game clock moves forward by 40 game time minutes or one game time hour!

  1. Land line phones, not mobile phones. Not sure about this right now, but I have had more fun without a mobile, plus the era of the game will dictate this. I’m hoping for more 1980’s when mobiles and computers were just coming onto the scene, or even 1960’s with radio telephones in cars or just cab radio’s.
  2. All hotel rooms are rentable for a price.
  3. All food places to work, burger bars, vendors, restaurants.
  4. All economies to work. Gas Stations, Foods, Shops, Rents, Purchase Land, etc.
  5. Black market products as well as normal products.
  6. Cameras in the game. (Pics for licences and ID’s etc).
  7. Need to eat, drink, piss and sleep, (Switchable toggle on and off in option). Sorry I said ‘piss’, I shouldn’t say ‘piss’ should I! I should really say, “Go to the toilet”, for a shite, a piss or a fuck with a prostitute! (You thought I was going to be polite then didn’t you)! Hey, this is an 18 Adult rated game and Blog! 
  8. Education in the game, learn at college or government building. (explanation to follow in a post and a link will be placed here when done). e.g. Mechanics Course. (but not tyre-man, you’d learn that in a job, working for a garage).
  9. Working in businesses to learn all about them (and more secrets), that will also help you in other areas of your life in the game and primarily how to run that particular business successfully.
  10. Eventually owning businesses (even if you did not work in them).

  1. Working for a garage, taxi firm, funeral business, pizza shop, restaurant, cinema, street vendors, ice-creme factory, news paper factory, warehouses, pallet making factory, toilet roll factory, city services, banks, police, fire brigade, paramedics, airport, docks, scrap yards, recycle center and many other business ideas.
    1. If you add businesses to this list, also say what work they will do and how they will do it as I have in my related stories.
  2. Keep dynamic weather system. (Like we have in GTA4).
  3. Keep day and night. Like we have in GTA4).
  4. Banks for you to deposit money and savings, so that you don’t lose everything if robbed or go to hospital or jail.
  5. No more finding guns, ammo or bullet-proof jackets laying around in the street. Not only do you not find guns in a back alley in real life, (maybe just only once in your life, ever), but then, you do not return 6 hours later to find them back again in the same place. What the hell is this about? Just have buying guns from various sources or raid the gun shop,  police or army base!  
  6. No more shooting pigeons. What’s with this big 50cent type of gangster type guy, going out looking for pigeons. If anything, lets have a return to tagging up turf! (Also, no finding horse-shoes or swimming for oysters! WTF? That was a load of stupid crap too)!
  7. Chase gangs that tag-up turf, spraying on your businesses walls and windows. Niko is too laid back and a mature grown-up to go round tagging up turf. He will chase and beat up those who write on his business premises, vans and other vehicles. Niko might go round putting up advertising posters and covering up or tearing down the competitions signage and posters.


  1. Have replays of your recent car chases, taken from a chase helicopter and the police chase cars, go on the TV in the news. Especially if there were fatalities or destruction. We could have a proviso, that only shows any chase over 2 or 5 minutes long. Where dual time is incorporated, certain actions switch to real time or stay in real time, like things done on foot that would normally be in the quicker time! This gives perception of reality, as it might take 5 real-time minutes to rob a store and we don’t want 5 game-time hours passing as it does currently in GTA4! 
  2. Paramedics and police arrive when someone is killed in the street. They set up a crime scene after there has been an accident or if you have run-down a pedestrian. An ambulance or coroner takes the bodies away and they draw the out-line-man on the road where the victims lay!
Outline Man

This is hopefully just the start, please add your own brief in the comments below, or send in a full idea to tell me about your GTA ideas and any links to videos or ideas for stories. Send me your links to your YouTube channel or website.

This is version 5 of this list.


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TAGS: GTA Wish List, GTA5, GTAV, NewGTAgame,

Article © AndyGold 2011, all other material used like but not limited to images and video, is copyright to either its creator or originator or is used under a creative commons / public domain license.


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