GTAV A NewGTAgame!

Write for this New GTA game blog!

Hi, this is Niko.

If you would like to send in your stories and ideas of what you would like in your perfect GTA style of game, please write-in to and make sure to put 'new story idea' in the subject line. Then we will be able to get to your story in the right place, rather than looking through our waste bin!

We want to know about everything you want in a GTA style of game! But, we are trying to keep to a certain format, of keeping things real in the game!  

That does not mean that we won't have Zombies and flying cars, twin-barrel-tanks and jet-packs! It just means that we 'the majority' are trying to make a game that most people would find logical. Yes, I loved the flying cars cheat and there is no-reason why this cannot be a part of the game!

However, these are things that we would class as cheats or not part of the standard game play. If we get lots of requests, for silly futuristic things or anything unreal beyond belief we might try a poll to see if it is what everyone wants. We cannot say fairer than that.

We would like eventually to get a game made, and so, we will write back to you if we feel there is something in your story that merits keeping what you have written about, part of the game secrets. Otherwise, everyone and his dog would know everything about the game, even before it has been produced. That would be no fun!

Everything you send us may or may not be published on the blog, and by sending us your story or idea, of-course you give us permission to use it, edit it or do whatever we like with it, without any liability brought upon us.

We will try our best to give you credit for whatever idea or story you send us. However, we find that many stories and ideas from different people, are just twists on current GTA stories. So, we prefer to say ‘suggestion’, unless it is a specific script giving dialogue for the characters.

Another point is that, you should read through the blog and make comments if you like something and add your vote to any polls that are on the blog. That way, you will know if your idea has already been suggested. This not only does save both of us time, but it also puts you more in-touch with the ideas and format of the game.


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Article © AndyGold 2011, all other material used like but not limited to images and video, is copyright to either its creator or originator or is used under a creative commons / public domain license.


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Please keep your comments clean and respectable! I will reserve the right to edit out none relevant content or not to allow your comment if it is not suitable.

Thanks! Niko.
