GTAV A NewGTAgame!

GTA Graphics Mods

I wonder what you thnk of graphics mods. I think the aim for realistic graphics can be over-done, and in some cases is futile. RockStarGames seemed to get the balance about right in GTA4. I like this mod though, but there are problems with it. The main one being the 'wash-out' of the whitest parts of the images and sunshine in your face.

The buildings do look more realistic I think and of course the road surface looks better. If you view this video in too big a screen-size it loses its quality, (well it does on my PC). The trees are a little too green and the sky is mostly whited out.

Two people I showed this video to have already asked, how did the maker get the GTA car into a video. Thinking it to be some cross mix of actual video recording and rendered game footage.

Look at the detail in the iron bridge beams and the look of the buildings. At a glance, the video almost looks like a real video motion picture. I know there are holes in the quality of this video, but it is somewhat convincing.

What do you think? Do you think that in GTA4 R* got the graphics correct? We know R* will always strive for better and better quality, but I will be quite happy with GTA5 if it turns out to have exactly the same graphics quality as GTA4. I think we are going to see something slightly less impressive between the look of GTA5 and GTA4, than we did when comparing GTA4 to GTA San Andreas.

San Andreas was impressive and just when we thought things could not get better, along came GTA IV.

LA Noire - NO Thanks!
I know for one, I am not interested in getting the facial quality, that was over hyped (in my opinion), in LA Noire. It was a waste of time, since, the objective was to give you the ability to read the facial signals and body-language and make a decision as to whether the character was telling the truth. This was not successful, because, (the game makers), often deliberately gave you the wrong signals in order to make you, make the wrong decision, (I thought so anyway), perhaps to mimic the character lying.

Did anyone else notice the lack of things to do in the massive sprawling metropolis that was LA Noire? What's the point of having a massive city, if there is nothing to do in it? So, I'd prefer GTA5 and 6 to have the top graphics of course, but not at the cost of game-playability and plenty of things to do.

One last point, GTA4 should have had more things to do in the game world, like we had back in San Andreas. Perhaps they will do this in GTA5 or 6 and not worry about how-many discs it takes. There were three discs just to play one game of LA Noire, I was happy with that. If R* can give us the game we want, I don't care if it goes over hundreds of discs.

As I write, I am thinking toward the next major game media changer. DLC, (Down Loadable Content), but not just for use as add-on's, but as the main media content, re 'The Walking Dead' game by TellTaleGames. There is more about the less-linear or none-linear game-play in the videos below, (re decisions you make change the future direction of the storyline). So I won't talk about that, although it is a big point in my perfect version of a GTA game.

The point I am making is three-fold, one is the non-linear or less-linear game play. The second is the open-world free-roaming game with interiors with more in them. See the trailer of the main character in the kitchen scene, before killing a zombie. Lots of things to interact with, open draws, use things etc.

The third point, shows that the graphics of a game does not have to be realistic. The Walking Dead game is going to be massive, (speaking of popularity), and the fact it has comic-style graphics will actually add to its atmosphere.

Realistic Graphics or Comic Book Style.
TellTaleGames have gone for a very different graphics option, mainly because The Waking Dead game is not just a spin off of the TV series, but because the TV series is actually based on a comic-book story. The have gone for a comic-style graphic. But, what I am more impressed with is the method of delivering the game. As far as I understand, it is only going to be via DLC, and you buy 'episodes' of the game.

This is great! Perhaps I can finally imagine all those things I want in my perfect GTA style of game, actually being available. All Interiors, businesses to run and open-ended missions, none-linear game story-line and so on. Choice is going to be a real thing in the game!

Listen to the opening comments, in the introduction to episode two (below).

If you did not see episode one. Here it is!

Have a great day!

TAGS: GTA Graphics Mods, New GTA game, New GTA Game Ideas, New Game of GTA, new gta game 2012, Play GTA games,

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