GTAV A NewGTAgame!

GTA4 Logistics New GTA game Ideas

This video shows some of my ideas for a new type of GTA style of game, with a fully working economy, food, clothing, produced goods etc, going in and out of the GTA game world.

I do like what I see already in GTA5, at least it looks like RockStarGames are doing more with articulated lorries this time, like they did back in the old San Andreas perhaps. I hope for more, with fully working vehicle loading and unloading.

We would have fully working vehicles, like articulated lorries that you could load and unload by hand or by fork-lift-truck. Businesses would work and would both produce and use goods and services just like in the real world.

This could all be switchable in the options menu, so that people can still play in the current GTA4 fashion, with all the economy turned off. With the full complex game economy switched on, we could teach people how business works on an educational level. (We know kids play this game, there's no-way you can stop it now).

One goal at least would be to help people understand how the real world works and how going to work and earning a living, or running a business could be like. But, to still enjoy the thrill of breaking the law and run illegal businesses etc.

Would you know how to go about starting up a car-wash or garage business? How would you start-up and run a taxi business from scratch? What about car imports and exports or a toilet paper factory?

What about a car-ringing operation, based on a real life scenario. (I wrote such a real story outline, based on a real story. Look for a post called Car Ringing Operation 
- ).


The reason for me posting this video I made back in 2009 (filmed from the TV; so sorry about the image and sound quality), Was to show my view before GTA5 comes out in 2013, then I can at least claim and show that I was thinking about these issues before GTA5.  

I suppose I was hoping for a reply from RockStarGames and to be asked to keep my ideas coming in, but they don't seem interested in their GTA fans do they?  

The video was originally intended for RockStar North only, to ask about where the development of the game was going, or offer ideas for improving the GTA4 game. Although, RockStarGames never replied or even acknowledged my existence

I was annoyed that we lost so-much when we moved from CJ's GTA San Andreas to Niko's GTA4, even though there were big visual and handling improvements.

I feel that despite RockStarGames owners and developers stating that they are going for reality in GTA4, they are in fact leaning-toward and catering-to, easy mindless-playability to appease the whims of the Saints Row 3rd fans idiotic type of game-play!

Hey, I love Saints Row 3rd, but its no-GTA clone, I love realism, RDR (Red Dead Redemption) and others.
GTA4 needs to develop along the lines of being a strategic and action type game, not a shoot-em-up free-for-all.


Also, to find out more about how I can afford to be a stay at home dad, playing games for a living and getting paid for blogging. Check-out

Have a great day!

TAGS: New GTA game, New GTA Game Ideas,

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