GTAV A NewGTAgame!

GTA Creator Navid Khonsari talks about his games

This is great! It is just what I have been talking about throughout the whole blog! If anyone has not understood what I am trying to say or achieve here with my rantings about GTA 'My Way', Its not just 'my way', it is also what the original GTA game franchise creator Navid Khonsari talks about and has in view for his future games! (I love it when a plan comes together).

You might want to click the read-more link below the video, if this post needs expanding, to read or hear the rest of my waffle about this subject of how GTA should be. Perhaps listen to my waffle first, or pause it and see the video. (It is a long one, but very important for the future nature of video gaming as a whole, not just the GTA series). Oh, by the way, true to form, I will be swearing in this post, so if you don't like it, Go FFF FFF f f find another place to go now! There's no swearing in the video, so you can watch that. OK!

GTA creator Navid Khonsari on his new video game, 1979 - Revolution.

I know by no means that, I have had anything to do with what Navid Khonsari's ideas are. I only just saw this interview for the first time on the 6th of September 2011, although it was posted back in February 2011. 

I think I am trying to say maybe, "great minds think alike", if I dare to compare my own mind to that of the greatness of Navid Khonsari. More to the point, on a personal note, I am really pleased that I have discovered that I am not mad! I am not alone. I am not spoiling the game, or trying to turn it into the Call of Duty or The Sims. (I will explain about that later).

I am relatively new to Call of Duty, but have always played games like 'Conflict-Desert Storm', as I always prefer the second person view! You cannot do this in Call of Duty can you, its a first-person shooter.   

I keep saying recently, that if you had said a year ago, that I would be addicted to Call of Duty, multiplayer-online, then I would have laughed in your face and said never and 'over-my-dead-body'.  Well, I do die a lot in the game, so I got that part right anyway!  

Life is so full of surprises, like if you had said that there would be no-smoking in pubs and public places ten years ago, I would have died laughing! So, I wonder if they will ever ban drinking alcohol in pubs! (They did it in America during prohibition, so you may laugh now, but what will the future hold)?

I hope one of life's future surprises is that Rockstar Games make their next or subsequent game just the way I want it, after-all, stranger things happen like I have just found that the GTA game creator and I are on the same wavelength! Wow, knock me over with a dildo. (What? That is the saying isn't it)?

Realistic Role Playing Game.

I want a more realistic RPG in GTA! This is what Navid Khonsari talks about! For instance, where does Niko put that rocket launcher? I am saying it should be more realistic to have those items in a car boot, rather than just pulling them out of your trousers-fly-zipper! A little like in the game, Call of Duty. You can carry a primary and a secondary weapon, a limited amount of ammo, a couple of grenades and a flash-bang or two, but that's it!  

GTA would of course be different, in that, you cannot just walk about with an M16 without scaring people. The pedestrians currently shout and act surprised if you draw a weapon unexpectedly. This is how it should continue to be. But also, if you walk about with a weapon drawn, it should eventually also draw the attention of the police as it does in the real world.

Now, I am not trying to spoil the game for anyone who likes GTA the way it is! I always say that whatever alterations I am suggesting, should be on a switch in the game options menu, so that you can swich it off or on as the case may be. There should be an inevitable price to pay, in that you cannot get 100% completion if you use any cheats or turn off any of the aspects of the game. Maybe, you could get 100% game completion, that is also labeled with a difficulty rating.

If you set the police response difficulty to what it currently is in GTA, (they are not so tough are they)? Then you would get 100% at difficulty level 90 for instance. Turning off businesses and economics would reduce the difficulty factor by 10 again, and so on!

Of course, I also talk about teaching our young players, (and don't try to tell me that people don't allow their 6 year old and upwards to play GTA! Don't even get me started. I've had players as young as that, tell me to Funk-Off online because I am not as good a player as they are)!   

This is an 18 Adult rated game! Yet, people still allow their kids to play it because they have the mentality that 'games are for kids'!  They are living in the past, from when they were growing up with space-invaders at the arcade!

I say, 'Would you give your 6 or 8 year old a copy of a porn mag'? Well, in this game you can screw prostitutes, and hear language like, "I'm sorry like a Mother-Funker"! (Now, I did not say Fuck, did I? So, I am keeping it clean and decent like any mother fucking parent would)!

I know you decent upstanding citizen folk, will say there's no need for it, but hey fuck-you, its an adult game! I'd like to see you try and rewrite all the gangster and war films, or dramas and sex-scenes in films to dumb them down. No- in fact scratch that, there are enough of those critics already trying to do that, they don't need any help with a challenge from me!

Like those people who think they have a right to tell other people how to bring up their kids, yet wrap their own kids up in cotton wool. They never have a bump or a scrape, or get their hands, knees or clothes dirty. 

Look, It is a cruel world and kids have to learn this from their parents, with loving back up for when things turn to shit! (As the occasionally do)! So, in GTA, we teach them all the swear words, not by choice as games designers, but as parents letting them play adult rated games. Its not the games designers fault!

I don't care if you want to let your kids play GTA, that's up to you. Personally I only let my kids play it whilst I am sat with them, yet all of their friends at school are at home-alone playing it online, whilst their parents are at work. It is easy for me to sound critical, but I work from home, so I am home with my kids all the time.

Question. Why do they bother any-more, putting the porn mags on the top shelf in news agents, when the ten year old's are as tall or taller than I am, 5 foot 6 inches. If I cannot reach the top shelf, I ask my 15 year old, who is getting on for 6 foot tall. (I would be reaching for the chilli sauce though, I thought I would just point that out before moving on)!

Violence and Terrorism?
I could hardly stand to listen to the part where Navid Khonsari talks about defending the games industry, where people blame game designers for their children's behavior and other violence and terrorism in the world. These parents should take a long look in the mirror! They would soon realize that it is their own fault for buying the games for their kids and letting them play them. If you are pointing your finger, there are three more pointing back at you, you stupid fucks!

Anyway, that's my rant over on that issue! My point is, that we do definitely know that our kids are playing these types of games, maybe we could actually try to teach them something about life in the process. I'm not talking about prostitution! But learning business! How businesses work in the game world, can easily be similar to how they work in the real world.  (And indulge me, whilst I just go off on one here).

We could also have learning to drive properly, having missions where you have to obey the rules of the road, in line with whatever country it is set in. We could even have a switch in the options menu, to flick over the road direction to the UK driving on the left, even though we are still in the USA setting.

The game would become a great tool for learning about traffic-flow, patients and speed control. Which is an area where most young drivers fail, resulting in them crashing because they are so used to speeding and being impatient. You could even have a basic driving test as well as the wheel-man driving test from the original Driver game. A fork-lift driving test, an articulated lorry driving test, etc. and so on.

And again I want to reiterate that I am not trying to spoil the game! There would be a switch to put the setting back to GTA4 style if the player so wishes! I know those clever designers can do all of this! I want the Islands of San Andreas, with boats and planes connecting to the separate islands Liberty City and again on to Vice City! I want the boats and planes to work properly. 

I want to be able to carry a ton of weaponry in my Tardis pocket, (bigger on the inside), if I so please, or to have a reality check and have to obey the civilian rules and laws of physics. (You cannot physically carry all that shit that Niko does. You would need to be built like Schwarzenegger and you still would not have enough pockets)! I want all of the main businesses to work and all interiors of every building to be accessible one way or another.

I want the pedestrians to have identities and stats, car number plates and a detailed economy, to have to buy, eat, shit and die, like in the real world! Similar to how CJ was in GTA SA, body building and losing muscle due to physical exercise or getting fat for lack of it. I want the fork-lift-trucks to work, the dock cranes to work, I want container handlers. I want the containers to work and have ability to put stuff in them and to sell or export and buy stuff in this way.

I want to build and run businesses, any of them or all of them! Just like what Navid Khonsari was talking about in the video interview above. I am a sophisticated and intelligent person, I want a challenge. I want a strategic game-play If I choose to play my game that way; or just the ability to turn off the phone, (like you can in GTA4, (sorry, didn't you know that)), and just go off and rag-around on a motorcycle blasting innocent pedestrians and motorists heads off If I so please.

I could go on for hours, but you are getting my drift aren't you? I want the gas stations to work and the cars to have various amounts of fuel, with a switch to turn the feature off in the game options menu, back to how it is in GTA4. I want the tow-trucks to work, (like they did in GTA SA). I want the motor garages and spray shops to work properly, I have made posts elsewhere on this blog, go read or listen to them.

I wanted our main character to have to sleep, eat, shit and die, and have all the normal ablutions of life, that we in the real world have to deal with. (You cannot stay awake indefinitely like Niko can, can you)? Can you fall off a skyscraper and wake up in hospital 6 hours later, and go off on a run about with an Uzi?

If you die in a car fire, you're dead. Game Over! You would have the option to wimp out of the mission and skip it if you are a crap player, or tired of trying to complete it. (like I was with the last mission in GTA4, although I still managed it in the end)!

Come closer, there's more! I want the parking garages to work and have attendants, I want to be able to own and run them too if I please. I want the car garages to work where you store your cars, (or store them in the car-parks), where a one car garage can only hold one car at a time, a two car garage can only hold two cars, not ten. I want variations on the spray quality and colors and customization of cars at different garages and for the garages to take a more realistic time to spray or fix cars.

I want the low-rider cars customization back from GTA SA! More dance-off missions in clubs like in Ballad of Gay Tony, I want gangs and employees, hundreds of them. I know this can be done. See other posts on this blog about businesses and gangs etc.

I want to be able to put things in the boot or trunk of cars, in the backs of vans and lorries. Hog tie, stuff people in the boot or back of van and bury bodies dead or alive, etc, (I've got a post about all of this elsewhere on this blog too, go off and find it later).

I want the ability to pick locks on cars and buildings and have different ways of breaking into things like forcing or breaking in with crow-bars, bricks or gun-but. Using a shim or a lock-pic tool to steal cars etc.

I want the cars to get flat tires occasionally and to have to change to the spare. I want switches in the game options menu for all of those things, so that they all can be altered separately or set to GTA4 mode. One master switch would set all the switches to GTA4 game mode, so that all the additional features work like they do in GTA4 or run automatically at a set rate.

I want the game to be none-linear, with possibly some missions that mark key-points in the game, but without having an actual end to the game. You could just keep on earning money and developing businesses. Businesses are never set and forget, except if you turn over the management of the business to a game AI manager or have a game AI business partner who will look after the business. (I have a post elsewhere on this blog about this too, find it later).

I want all the stuff in the game world to be able to be picked up, taken away in a truck. Dumps of tires for instance would re-grow over time and is also a source of income if you have a recycling business. The same with the waste bins, (they would refill over time), and I'd have working recycling centers. 

Most of the game world in GTA4 is derelict and run down. There are disused warehouses and factories, apartments and houses all over. You should be able to buy them and do them up, (legally-only of course). If you had the forethought to get into the building industry you could get all of your materials and labour slightly cheaper by buying them through your own building company, Youseff style.

You should be able to become a land owner and rent out properties and have all sorts of businesses like hotels to car-parks. Car body shops, motor-garages and car sales showrooms. Factories and warehouses like the news-paper factory and the toilet roll factory with lots of different upgrades available as your factory grows. There should be a pallet factory and timber supplies. Transport companies as well as the usual taxi businesses.

I want all of the police, fire, paramedic, trash-master, pizza, missions back and improved from GTA SA. I want mail, foods and clothing businesses to work. Does it sound like The Sims yet? (Are we there yet)? 

Very nearly, if I had another ten hours to write and if anyone is prepared to listen, but I will be building up more stories over the future months, you can help me if you would like to. Add your stories and comments to my posts or send in email. Mainly, keep it real, no zombies, no anti-grav guns, no lazer guns and no flying cars ideas are going into the actual game. Although, we all love this stuff too, it is for the realm of the cheats codes. So suggestions for game cheats accepted.

I want the BMX and chopper bikes, (cycles), back from GTA SA, and the basket-ball routine Carl Johnson used to do. I would like a skate-board too, (it cannot be that hard to do considering everything else they have in the game). Did everyone notice that we had many more skate / BMX parks in GTA4, but they never gave us a single push-bike or a damn skate-board?

I want the police motorbike back too from GTA SA! I want a new fire engine ladder truck too, all the vehicles I got for Christmas as a kid! Don't you? What about a cherry-picker? I want a fully working funeral parlor and morgue in the game as a business option, just to be morbid. Electrical shops, movie theaters, clubs and pubs, food shops 24/7 style and all manner of shops that are also working businesses you can take-over, or buy into and run.

I would have pilot licences for flying helicopters and planes. Driving licences for driving cars, taxis, buses and trains. Radios for taxis and other businesses that use them. I realize that we cannot have everything, and some things will be harder to do, or unnecessary in the eyes of the game designers. But if I were building my dream fantasy game. I'd have it all, if money and time was no hang-up!

My best hope, is that the GTA franchise could take on a more Sims style approach to expanding the game-play. If you don't know about The Sims game, you have a main game CD, (sometimes on multiple discs, (and we'd love that, because it would mean a bigger and better game)). 

Then after that they release, additions to the game, similar to DLC (Down-Loadable-Content packs, if you didn't already know the term). I am old school and prefer my upgrades via CD. I hate all that messing about with DLC's, having to make space on my xBox hard drive for the next Call of Duty pack etc. But if they do decide to use DLC, I'm up for it!

So, what about you? What do you want in your perfect GTA game?

If you enjoyed this post, then;
Have a great day!
If you did not enjoy this post, why are you still listening, you idiot! Go funk yourself!

Article © AndyGold 2011, all other material used like but not limited to images and video, is copyright to either its creator or originator or is used under a creative commons / public domain license.

TAGS: GTA Creator Navid Khonsari talks about his games, GTA Creator,Navid Khonsari,GTA,GTA Businesses,GTA Violence, Switches in the game options, game options, GTA4 mode,


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