GTAV A NewGTAgame!

GTA Car Parks

Yo, dis is Niko. Parking is always a pain, especially in GTA worlds where you cannot actually leave your car and travel any distance away from it, without it disappearing. That is unless you leave it parked in your save areas outside your safe houses.

In real life, you can park on the street and without the exception of your car being stolen, return to it later and it will still be where you left it. Not so in any previous GTA game! So lets hope they get that small detail added in the next GTA game.

In past conversations I've had, I have noted that a lot of people, (probably because these people are actually kids who play GTA), do not know or realize how the small car-parks should work. I was talking about an unrelated vehicle, the fork-lift and how it should work, and I ended up explaining that you do not need a forklift in every car park, because that is not how you get the cars onto the post lift multistory car park stacking system. So, here are some videos to entertain and educate everyone on how the parking in GTA should work.

Especially, we don't want our garages in GTA to work like they did in Mafia 2, where you had lots (about ten cars actually), in one garage, that was obviously only big enough for one car. Although, we do like the idea of the underground garage layout, where you can drive in and park with no automation except maybe an automatic up-and-over electric door.

Working in a car park, would be one of the first jobs you can do, (like the valet parking side missions in San Andreas). But you can have an illegal side to it, pocketing some of the days takings and spotting and marking cars for steal-to-order missions. You should be able to run the car-parks if you rent or buy them, and even develop land from wasteland into car-parking in the interim, before moving on to building on the plot.

You should be able to park your cars, stolen or otherwise, in parking lots and multi-story car parks, and still find them there later, paying a parking fee or fine if you leave a vehicle over the prescribed time. All the usual things that go on etc. Including having a separate towing business off the side, as a business that recovers abandoned, stolen and crash damaged cars to the holding pen for the city pound and from there on to auction if the outstanding fees are not paid.

Have a great day!

TAGS: GTA Car Parks,

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