GTAV A NewGTAgame!

Chase down Lyle Rivas for Brucie in GTA4

Mission tip for more fun and enjoyment.

Enjoy the thrill of the chase, don't just end it ASAP! If you just follow the target in any GTA4 chase mission, you will get a longer and more enjoyable mission. (Except where you get a bonus or time penalty, for completing the mission in a certain time frame like in TBoGT).

Why not do a test run before you do your final save to move your game-missions on. Play through the same mission a few times (and perhaps even record a video of it, in case something unusual or funny happens).

With the chase type missions, just keep the chase going for as long as you can, although I didn't do it in my video here. Lyle's car caught fire unexpectedly and I had already played through the mission twice. The main reason for this video is showing off the lorry with the 50 gallon drums.

Sorry about the frame rate, the game runs fine when I am playing and recording. But, there is no-difference in the frame rate on playback whether I use 15 or 50 FPS. (I know, I don't get it).

Anyway, you can still enjoy the video..

Have a great day!

TAGS: Chase down Lyle Rivas for Brucie in GTA4,Lyle Rivas,Brucie,GTA2 missions,

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