GTAV A NewGTAgame!

TheGamerSheep says No GTA5 News

Yo, dis iz Niko.
RockStar Games Presents - Nothing New!

I don't know what they are playing at over at HQ. RockStarGames are just teasing the life out of us. Like TheGamerSheep says and I agree; I don't expect GTA5 before mid or end of 2013. RockStar did not even attend the biggest games convention in the world, E3. Talk about being a law unto themselves!

I'm not bovvered, (bothered), I'd prefer to wait if RockStar can get all the things we want into the game, like car and character customization as well as a great story line.

I believe that RockStarGames are also taking their time, because they are not just writing and developing one story line! Look back at GTA4, we have story-lines crossing, in the 'Liberty City Stories' games of 'The Ballad of Gay Tony' and 'The Lost and The Damned'.

I believe this is exactly what will happen in GTA5. More-so in fact. I think the GTA5 story will integrate with the old San Andreas and the previous GTA4 series.

Anyway, whatever happens in the storyline, we know it will be an epic game based on whats gone before. We will still just have to wait until Rock-Star-Games decide to release more trailers or images from the game. They will only do this when they feel they have exceeded our expectations and their past quality!

Let's Face It! 
RockStar Don't Make Bad Games!

Finally, (See 3.45 min in of next video). Rockstar shuts down RockStar Vancouver (Bully Builders), to merge with RockStar Toronto.  Perhaps they are working on Bully 2?

Thanks and recognition to TheGamerSheep on YouTube for keeping us up to date and giving us great videos.

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Dat's it. Laterrrrr.

TAGS: TheGamersheep says No GTA5 News, RockStar Games Presents - Nothing New, GTA5, GTAV, Bully 2,

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