GTAV A NewGTAgame!

GTA 5 Activities and New Images

Hi, Just a double-quick post here.
I nearly forgot to mention this.
Sanches v Sanches, up the Chilliad?

Dirt-biking up the side of a mountain, Is that really a gangsta-activity? (As fun as that may be); I want to build legal businesses to front illegal business operations. Base the game in real relative gangster activity!

RockStarGames are aiming for reality in all the other major areas of the simulation, like car handling and character movement and physics, realistic and useable scenery, detail in buildings and every item in the game-world, to bring it to life. Then they have you shooting pigeons?

The game should simulate gangster lifestyle, with a few special extras. Like, you could expect in reality to be flying a helicopter. Helicopters are almost a common sight in all major cities these days. But, you would be hard pushed to find a tank or a jet plane wreaking havoc on the city, (perhaps unless you live in Iran)!

Nope! Sorry, stop the world, I want to get off!
I think: 'To hell with game play', (In the words of Kat Stephens in the Comedy Club); Do you think this is some kind of M F game? It isn't, this is a simulation of gangster life.   Everything has been brought to life with great attention to detail, except where it really counts. In the acts and actions your character performs.

The Dark Side!
I should be able to use a shim on cars, run a ringing operation, sell drugs, guns, anything illegal.
Run a sweat shop making hooky goods and pimp out the girls on the streets and run a brothel, (even pimp the guys these days)! Run illegal imports and exports and build a central gang like in Mafia 2 to build up my organization. In short, if its illegal, I want it.

The Light Side!
On the balancing side, there should be 'legal' businesses that you can run to front each and every countering illegal business. e.g. A car ringing operation might be fronted by legally owned motor garages, car sales and repair shops, scrap yards and recycling businesses etc.

Illegal drugs might be fronted by pharmacy and chemical and food factories, including transports like haulage and transport companies like air-cargo, heli-tours and speed-boat and yacht rental companies.

Pimp from hotels and motels and run a escort service, complete with blackmailing corrupt politicians and wife cheaters etc.

Taxi companies can use illegal immigrants, store and buy illegal fuel, (as they do), etc, etc, you get the idea, I know you do. I could go on and on. But, simply. If it is normal, (un-perverted), gangster activity, I want to do it!

Also, another big challenge would be to keep yourself clean and clear of the law, whilst still running all of the illegal businesses. Stay undercover like real criminals do, etc.

All that other stuff, like base-jumping, fighter-jets and flying jet-packs or carrying a half a tonne of guns in your trousers pocket can be kept to one side for those who want to mess around and spoil their game.

Perhaps in a separate DLC? I am not saying, don't have all that stuff, just that it is not part of normal gangster activity. When did you last see a gangster with a RPG rocket launcher running about Times Square?

Ollie43's Ideas.

Yea, the ideas are good, but my question is:- Dones anyone else not see that most of this is not honest gangster activity anymore. Like the stupid shooting the pigeons thing in GTA4. No self respecting, big-time, 50c style of ganster would go around shooting pigeons.

Keep it real Rock Star.

Have a great day!

TAGS: GTA 5 Activities and New Images, GTA5,GTAV,

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