GTA Vehicles that Do Not Disappear.
Vehicles don't stay where you put them, its not just down to them being stolen, they just vanish! We want vehicles that don't disappear! The best games for keeping your vehicles was San Andreas and GTA3 (Liberty City) before that and Liberty City Stories after SA, because you could put vehicles in garages. Whats the point of pimping out a vehicle or just getting one you like, to have it disappear when you leave it?
Crib Street Parking.
Yes, I know you can save vehicles outside your crib in GTA4, but its not enough. Plus, if there is a pile-up in the street, the general public can crash their car into your collection, (if you can call it that, since you only get a max of 2 cars outside your crib). You can save more than that during the game, but as soon as your switch off you console and re-load, you will find that you have only two or even none stored!
The Police are right TWOKers!
Next worst problem, (and it serves you right), is when you start trouble on your own door-step. Then, rightly so, the police will take your nice car collection and wreck them whilst chasing you. I had two lovely versions of Yusuf Amir's posh car, the Super Drop Diamond outside my crib, playing as Luis Lopez TBoGT. Not thinking, I pinched a bike off of some hairy-ass bikers, and police came from no-where and chased me in my own limos. They smashed them into everything, even running over their own guys to get to me!
What We Want!
OK - I digress, So, we want vehicles to stay where we put them, at least in garages and parking places. I have an idea that this is actually harder to do, than we give the developers credit for. It is something to do with the total number of active recorded sprites on the screen. Pedestrians and cars are sprites, in fact I'm not sure but I think everything that moves is a sprite, even right down to bits of paper blowing in the wind, (but don't quote me, I may be wrong).
Give Us Our Garages.
Even if we could just have the garages back at our safe-houses it would be good. What would be the best is, if, (allowing for the potential for other criminals to steal vehicles), everything we park would stay put! There could be some sort of ratio that is used to decide how long an unattended, unmoved or unused vehicle would come to the attention of the car thieves, even then still take a random chance of being stolen.
Car Parking Business.
If we had the chance to control the car parks as a business, we could have a parking attendant who looks after the lot. (I also want those car park hoists to work, where you put in a car and hoist it to the top of a 4 stack, then put in the next car and hoist it up under that. with respective time to put your vehicles in or get them out). You could ring one of your guys at a safe house and give him an extra job of collecting your car that you have just left at the road-side.
Car for Sale or Hire!
Cars are a commodity and can be sold, hired and purchased in my best dream version of the game. So getting your newly bought or stolen vehicle picked up, fixed-up, resprayed and then taken to storage at a garage or safe-house of your choice would be total fantasy come true. You could hide, or draw less attention to stolen vehicles, whilst their heat / police visibility dies down, if they could be hidden in a garage or stored on the top level of those car park hoists.
Nosy Cops.
Nosy cops walking by would not be able to walk up and check-out the car. But lets say that only the very top level is 100% safe for that, except for if when the police find any other stolen car in your car park, they will check all other cars regardless. The cars that are found to be stolen are confiscated and crushed. Which is in its-self a form of revenue for you, if you own the car-crushing recycling plant. See where I'm going?
The car crusher business is another story though, I've already written about it, but not posted yet as of Sept 2010.
In the Street.
With car parking, if you just leave a car in the street it will vanish after a set time, presumed stolen! Except where you call up your guy to collect the car. A car or motorcycle will arrive and the passenger will get out and jump in your car and they will both drive off. You could either choose to wait and watch or just run off. So long as you made the call, your car is safe!
At Home.
Car parking at your first flat for one car only, where you live alone in a bedsit, just like Nico's first pad. This pad can become a safe-house for your-self and half-way house for your new-workers later. You can rent and later buy these properties, only depending on cash-flow.
Two-Bed Apartment.
Your better 2 bed apartment, parking outside for two cars. Up-town a bit, like where Kate McReary (one of Nico's GF's) lives. This is the place you live when and where you first get back with your wife and kids, (but you can still have girl-friends on the side for benefits like free medic pack, keeping your guns if arrested, cheaper respray and access to clubs).
First Full Family House.
Your own better family home, the first full house where you live with your wife and children. An area like where Mr Faustin Lives in Nico's GTA4. Has a one car garage and parking outside in the drive for two more vehicles. You can even use your front parlor for parley's with your business associates, like when your henchmen call. Also use your basement for goods, like a locked chest of guns that you tell your wife is for your hobby interest of gun collecting.
The Penthouse.
The penthouse is like Play-Boy 'X''s pad, the Jacuzzi should work and have underground car parking for 12/3 cars. This is a luxury complex for 4 apartments with 3 parking bays in the underground parking per apartment, one each his and hers and one guest parking space.
The Mansion.
The Mansion is your final family home, has a 2 car garage and parking for 3 other vehicles on the drive. A helicopter-pad perhaps, on the lawn or roof. But, if we are just using the current GTA4 map and buildings, then no heli-pad. It is supposed to be a peace-full retreat for family living.
The Island.
I have mentioned in another post about GTA homes throughout the game, (click here). Happiness Island, some people call it Liberty Island, you know the place. You could extend the game, getting Yusuf Amir to build you a luxury mansion on the Island, after you buy it of course! I was thinking along the lines of Tony Montana's Mansion in Scarface - The World is Yours!
There would be no car parking bays on the island, but you would have your own private gated landings on the three islands with 6 or 10 parking bays (for your cars and guests), on each.
Completing the game 100% would mean no cheats 'ever', (not even vehicle spawns). Own all the businesses, own all the available properties, save your daughter, have 100% cop difficulty on from the start and have 100% gang warfare / turf warfare on from the start.
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Article © AndyGold 2011, all other material used like but not limited to images and video, is copyright to either its creator or originator or is used under a creative commons / public domain license.
Tags: GTA Vehicles that Do Not Disappear, GTA Vehicles, GTA Car Storage, GTA Garages, GTA Parking,
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